Chapter 8

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Happiness, like people, comes and goes. If you bask in today's joy, believing it will stay unchanging, I urge you to reconsider. Amidst life's perpetual dance of change, there may be disruption, and you'll come to grasp the fleeting nature of happiness.

"Why must you personally meet that investor in Cebu, Miguel?" I inquire, my eyebrow raised with curiosity.

He casts a lazy gaze my way, engrossed in packing his duffel bag. I'm seated on the bed's edge, patiently awaiting his response.

"We require this, Clea. My return to the company hinges on finalizing the deal with Mr. Shintaro. It's an endeavor for the company's sake. I aspire for a return that's not merely fleeting."

My gaze remains unwavering on him. Despite his ongoing packing, concern creases my brow, especially as he packs more shirts than two days could possibly warrant.

I rise and delve into his bag, provoking an annoyed grunt. "Why, Miguel, does it seem you're carrying a multitude of belongings? Wasn't the plan for a mere two-day stay?"

"That's enough. Why does this trouble you so? Don't you wish for me to seal the deal with Mr. Shintaro?" He abruptly ceases his packing, settling on the bed while our eyes remain locked in a shared exchange.

I stood up and began searching through Miguel's bag, prompting an irritated grunt from him. "Why do you have so much luggage, Miguel? I thought it was just a two-day trip."

"That's enough. Why are you so upset about this? Don't you want me to finalize the deal with Mr. Shintaro?" He abruptly stopped and sat on the bed, his gaze locking with mine.

"No. I mean, of course, it's for the company, but Karen already spoke to his secretary, and she agreed to have the meeting here in Dumaguete," I said with a hiss.

I couldn't help but resent my instincts, as they always seemed to foretell trouble, and I never liked the outcomes.

"Can you support me on this, Clea? You already agreed that I would handle the deal with Mr. Shintaro, and now you're acting strangely and upset! What's really going on?"

He tidied up his belongings without even giving me a glance. Whenever my doubts consumed me, I disliked it. I couldn't help but explode, though.

"Can't you just have the meeting here instead?" I gently asked, fearing that my voice might escalate, and I was determined to keep myself in check because words, once spoken, couldn't be taken back.

He scoffed, "Are you dense, Clea? You know they changed their minds, right? Initially, they said it would be here, but then the secretary called and said it's back in Cebu. Which part of that don't you understand, Clea? Are you acting foolish?"

He suddenly punched the pillow, making me flinch in shock at how quickly his demeanor shifted. I immediately averted my gaze out of fear that he might turn his anger toward me again. I flinched as he moved to grab me, and he saw the fear in my eyes, so he hurriedly approached and held me tightly.

"I'm sorry. I was just..." He embraced me tightly and kissed my hair.

I avoided eye contact, still trembling with fear.

"U-uhm, please get your things in order; I should prepare our dinner." I tapped his back softly.

He let me go, and I saw regret in his eyes, but I didn't smile or nod. I just lowered my head as I walked past him. He quickly grasped my hand, causing me to look back at him.

"Babe..." he gently touched my hand, the one he was holding.

I now smiled at him. "It's okay, Miguel. Sort out your things and come out afterward; we'll have dinner. Just follow me to the kitchen."

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