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I moaned as he continued to devour my lips. His hands moved towards my chest. He quickly grabbed both mounds, causing me to writhe in the sensation it brought.


His kisses went down to my neck as he gained easy access when I tilted my head. He massaged my breasts firmly, making me gasp as pain and pleasure took control of my whole body. He released my chest as he drew circles on my stomach, making me gasp in intense sensation. I could feel my heartbeat pounding. My moans escaped my mouth like music to his ears, and his lips journeyed further down to my chest.

His mouth took control of my breasts as he sucked on them like an ice cream, a hungry child for his mother's milk.

"Mi-guel," I moaned when his hands traveled beneath my undergarments.

The hand that was on my abdomen and playing around now reached my pearl. He cupped my wet pussy as his mouth was still busy ravaging my mounds.

"B-Baby…" he whispered as he inserted his middle finger into my cunt. I writhed even more as he slowly inserted his other fingers.

"P-Please… I need more!" I shouted when he stopped sucking my breast and went back to my lips. He increased the speed of his finger thrusts inside me.

"I'll make you scream my name tonight, Clea. Not in pain and frustration, but purely pleasure and devotion."

He spoke at length before finally inserting his long weapon into me. I still couldn't adjust to his size, and every time we did this, it felt like I couldn't breathe because of how big he was.

He gave me wet kisses from my neck down to my breasts as he was busy pounding my insides with his sword.

"C-Clea. L-Love…"

"A-ahm. U-uhm… M-Miguel," I moaned as pleasure enveloped me.

I finally reached the peak of ecstasy, and I could feel the liquid flowing from me. He didn't withdraw his weapon; he hugged me tightly, even in that position, I couldn't feel his weight. He kissed my forehead and wiped the sweat off.

I was tired because of what we did. I was tipsy and this.

"Let's talk, hmm?" He gave me an alluring smile before withdrawing from me, and I moaned again.

He stood up and went to the bathroom, returning after a while with a towel. He wiped his semen that had poured into my belly and especially my cunt. I looked at him with exhaustion. It's over, Clea. You lost to your weakness again. You gave yourself completely once more.

I didn't realize that I was crying loudly. I was shaking with so many tears in my eyes, and I saw how scared he was.

"Is something hurting, love? What did I do? Did I hurt you?" He panicked and quickly sat on the bed, helping me sit properly.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked softly, as if afraid that I might break again.

"You did..." I wiped my tears as they continued to fall.

He quickly embraced me in a hug. His bare chest touched mine, but I loved how warm it made me feel. I hugged him back and cried in his arms.

"I know I did. I can't blame you if you want to be free and far away from me, my love. I was a monster that you hated. But I love you, Cleopatra." He said while kissing my forehead.

We locked eyes, and I could feel the sincerity in his words. His voice and eyes were pleading.

"You were hurt. I know I wasn't a good husband to you, Clea. I hurt you physically, emotionally, and mentally, and I am asking for forgiveness from the heavens above, hoping that you can forgive me. I am so sorry if I wasn't the man you fell in love with from the start, baby." He said, tears streaming down his face.

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