Chapter 11

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The sky is aglow with the sun, transforming into a breathtaking sunrise once more as I approach Cebu. The journey from Negros to Cebu typically takes longer than a day, but I boarded a craft at 1 a.m., and now I can see the towering buildings of Cebu.

Anton was supposed to accompany me, but his parents abruptly called him back to Manila due to company issues. He assured me he'd follow later, but that didn't bother me much. This is my and Miguel's problem to handle.

The bus dropped me off at Cebu South Terminal, and I quickly hailed a taxi to take me to the medical hospital. I was tired and wanted to sleep, but I was deeply concerned for Miguel.

I couldn't reach my brother since his phone was off, probably to avoid my constant inquiries during his vacation.

I arrived at the hospital and observed how serene it appeared—a place where you'd want to find solace—but within, a silent battle raged. I never liked hospitals; they reminded me of illness and death.

The scent of various medicines greeted me inside the hospital. Karen had texted me Miguel's room number. She mentioned he could be discharged tomorrow since his injuries weren't severe. I wasn't sure if I should feel relieved by that news or saddened by the infidelity that led my brother to this.

I found him asleep, as it was that time of night when everyone rested. I could see the bruises on his face, and I was certain he had a fractured left shoulder due to the bandage in place. No one else was in his room but him.

I tended to his wounds and placed my bag on the couch by his bed. Exhaustion washed over me.

Driven by fatigue, I finally closed my eyes. The couch was soft, but I knew it wouldn't provide a comfortable night's sleep.

"Why is she here?

"Shh. She's sleeping; keep quiet."


"Don't make noise; she's sleeping, right?"


I heard faint sounds, so I opened my eyes and glanced around, meeting a pair of eyes gazing at me intently.

Mikko, Miguel's best friend, watched me irritably, so I quickly averted my gaze.

"Did we wake you up?" Miguel's voice was soothing. "Do you want me to ask Mikko to leave so you can rest properly?" he added.

I just smiled at his words and shook my head. At least, sleep had briefly visited me.

"What the hell, Miguel? Mikko protested.

I observed how hesitant he seemed to talk to me. He avoided eye contact and didn't even look at me.

I don't know, but it felt like I was now watching a stranger who wouldn't meet my eyes. He seemed so distant, and I had the overwhelming urge to hug my husband, so even though I felt uneasy in the presence of his friend, I still embraced my husband tightly.

I hugged him and asked, "Are you okay now? Is anything hurting?" He avoided my gaze, but I gently caressed his cheek.

God, I missed him. I missed how close we used to be. I missed his scent. I missed my husband.

Mikko interrupted, "I should go, I think."

I looked at him, and he quickly walked out, shutting the door behind him.

I looked at Miguel again and asked, "Do you want me to call a doctor?" I was worried when I received no response from him.

"I'm okay," he said softly, so I took a step back.

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