Chapter 10

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Sleep eludes me once again as I lay here, gazing at the ceiling, mentally herding imaginary sheep, hoping for the embrace of slumber. A day spent toiling in the office has left me weary, yet my mind is a tempest of thoughts, rendering the prospect of rest an elusive dream tonight. This night, it seems, is destined to join the ranks of countless sleepless ones I've wrestled with.

My thoughts roam far and wide, defying explanation. I feel as though my head is on the brink of detonation. My heart grows numb, and all I yearn for is to shut my eyes and banish it all-the pain, the sorrow, and the anguish of loving someone while feeling like a stranger to them. Miguel is still here, physically, but it feels like he's drifting farther away.

His love, once unwavering, has grown uncertain, and his promises have faded into obscurity. I am left alone in what used to be our home, but now it's just a temporary shelter, for the person with whom I once shared my bed now shares it with someone else.

I release a deep sigh, rising from the bed to place my phone on the nearby table. I step out onto the veranda. It's just past midnight, and the sky is cloaked in dense, ebony clouds, concealing the stars. We reside in the countryside, where only a smattering of lights dot the cityscape. By this hour, people are nestled in peaceful slumber. Perhaps I am the solitary soul who remains awake.

Morning breaks, yet rest still eludes me. Despite my longing to languish in bed all day, I must rise and confront my responsibilities. The company needs me, and it's teetering on the brink due to Miguel's past mistakes. Now, the weighty burden falls on my shoulders. Investors are withdrawing, and workers seethe with fear, believing the company is on the precipice of bankruptcy.

I begin my morning routine, descending the stairs to prepare breakfast, only to find the fridge empty, a frustrating reminder of our dwindling supplies due to my recent forgetfulness amidst the chaos of life.

"Good morning, ma'am Clea," one of our employees greets me on my way to the office, and I offer a smile in return.

"Ma'am, is it true that MAV will temporarily close?" she asks with a hint of worry, causing me to halt and respond with a stern tone, "No." She apologizes and quickly moves away.

But then another voice chimes in, "Because, ma'am, we heard in the news that MAV is facing financial difficulties." Her voice trembles as a colleague elbows her to stop, but I smile and continue walking.

"I expect you to verify information from reliable sources, Miss Madrigal, as I won't tolerate any damage to the company's reputation," I admonish, and they all lower their gazes.

"Get back to work," I assert, and they scatter back to their desks.

Sighing deeply, I enter my office, greeted by a sea of scattered papers, turning my workspace into chaos.

"Good job, Clea. You're doing great. Keep it up!" I try to motivate myself.

Your mind may be in turmoil, but does your office have to mirror it? You're a mess, Cleopatra!

Anyone entering my office now might mistake it for a landfill. Fortunately, I have no meetings with investors today. I just need to review and sign important documents.

Faint knocking interrupts my paper-shuffling beneath the desk. Who could it be? Everyone here knows not to disturb me while I work. Maybe someone really needs me. Karen usually handles such matters since her desk is right in front of my office door.

"Come in!" I call out from my desk to the person at the door.


"Van!" I exclaim with delight, leaving my papers behind and rushing towards the man standing before me. My, how he's changed. He appears more mature and, dare I say, even more handsome.

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