Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Miguel, Are you going to the office?" I asked him fearfully.

He had just woken up, but I could already see him holding a bottle of alcohol. My Miguel wouldn't drink this early. He usually wants me to make him his coffee and have breakfast with me at the table, taking care of me and showing affection. But now there were no emotions, only cold glares directed at me.

He kicked the table, making me jump in fear. "You go there if you want!"

"Okay, I'll be the one to go today," I whispered nervously.

Fortunately, I had already showered early this morning. I knew he wouldn't go to his office today. I had been the one attending the company lately because he was always busy with gambling.

He still didn't care and remained immersed in his alcohol. I prepared his breakfast before going upstairs to change clothes.

"Eat your breakfast, Miguel," I said softly, but I didn't receive any response from him.

I gazed into the mirror, my own eyes and strangers staring back at me. Two years had sculpted a new form, a shattered soul who once was Clea. Love's cruel grip had bent me like a fragile reed under a relentless storm. My reflection spoke of a silent agony, of scars hidden beneath a façade. The woman who used to dance with life had vanished, replaced by a phantom who knew only submission. Miguel's touch, once tender, had transformed into a twisted vice that squeezed the very life out of my spirit. Bruises painted my skin, each a testament to the folly of a heart that still loved despite the pain. I longed to reclaim my laughter and my strength, but the chains of affection held me captive. In the depths of my heart, I whispered defiance, yet the reality of his abuse silenced my protests. A tragic metamorphosis had occurred—I was Clea still, yet unrecognizable even to myself.

As long as I love him, I won't give up. I know he is deeply affected by his father's imprisonment and what has happened to the company in recent years.

I applied concealer to hide the bruises from last night. I often do this, especially when I go out of the house. Behind my glamorous appearance lies a fragile wife who is willing to be hurt because of love.

"Stay strong, Clea. The day will come when Miguel will realize that he should take care of you instead of hurting you," I whispered to myself, encouraging me to continue with life.

No one knows about all the hardships I endure inside this house. People think I'm a fortunate wife living a luxurious life provided by my husband's wealth and power. But I'm not lucky. I can't hide the broken and bruised self I am when I'm not around people, even with my expensive and glamorous clothing.

"Good morning, ma'am Clea," Manong Lando greeted me with a warm smile.

The day must go on. My pain and sorrow shouldn't be an excuse to give up on the company. I don't know how to run such a big company, but for the sake of the employees who work here, I will find a way to prevent it from collapsing.

"Good morning to you too, Mang Lando. You have such a beautiful smile today," I sincerely replied, making him scratch his neck shyly.

He said, "You are even more beautiful than my morning, ma'am. Sir Miguel is lucky to have such a beautiful and kind wife like you!"

I just gave him a small smile in response to his long comment before finally entering the office.

I sighed. Another day, Cleopatra.

"Here comes Ma'am Clea again."

"Poor ma'am, she doesn't know her husband is cheating on her."

"Yeah, I saw Sir at the bar last night. He was with another woman! I'm sure that wasn't Ma'am Clea."

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