Chapter 19

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"Let's go home?"

"Did you just apologize so that I would go home to Duma with you?" I raised an eyebrow as he hugged me again.

"No, I really want this relationship to work out. Shall we get up?" He asked and kissed my left cheek.

"Good morning my love." He said, sending butterflies in my belly.

I pinched his long nose. "You should bring me breakfast in bed every morning. I thought you were courting me again?" I emphasized the word "again," making him roll his eyes.

"I said court me, not serve me." Look at this jerk!

I glared at him and threw a pillow at his face. "You're annoying!"

"Let's go downstairs, Mari is here." He said, making me roll my eyes.

His cousins, who I don't like, are here again, thinking that I like them. Those brats who can't be tamed, acting like they own the world.

"Let's stay here, I don't like walking downstairs." I said. He quickly looked at me and furrowed his forehead.

"Don't be such a baby, love. Get up. Mom is also downstairs, come on!" He took the blanket wrapped around me and gently pulled me up.

"Come on, love. Let's eat our breakfast here. Don't you want that breakfast in bed?" I teased, but instead, he immediately carried me in a bridal style.


"Not because I'm courting you, you'll act this way." He said, but I just rolled my eyes.

I'd love to eat every meal with you, but the last thing I want is to be with your family. I can't stand their antics.

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet, love, and I haven't taken a shower either." I said.

"You still smell like a fresh petal, and about your breath, don't worry, I'm used to it." I gasped in disbelief!

"Hey, Miguel Benedique! You're ruining my reputation! Are you saying that my breath stinks?" I raised an eyebrow, but he just laughed!

"I still love you, though." He said sincerely.

"Put me down." I patted his back, and he gently put me down on the last step of the staircase.

I don't want his cousin to see us like this. I mean, I love Miguel being sweet, but I don't want anyone to know that my monster could be tamed.

The Velarde family is all present at the dining table. Anton is even there, giving me a knowing look, but I just give him a small smile because he'll ask me about it later.

Miguel pulled a chair for me, and I felt a little embarrassed that I didn't even dress up in a fancy and formal way. They are all wearing extravagant formal dresses early in the morning! What a shame for me.

Mari raised an eyebrow at me, but I didn't give her any side glances. She's not important, and I didn't even greet anyone at the table. I don't really feel a connection with this family.

"I heard you two had a misunderstanding. How's everything?" Doña Editta asked. She's wearing a very formal office attire that if you really don't know her from the inside, you would think she owns the entire Philippines. That bloody lipstick she put on her lips, perfectly groomed eyebrows, and that unnameable aura.

She's like a walking billion, but I know the truth. That's why her looks can never deceive me. She has no money left. Bankrupt. Fortunately for her, Miguel still has a business because if not, she would be a poor woman now. Hate me if you want, but I'm just telling the truth. I used to love the woman dearly, but sometimes she gets on my nerves.

"It's fixed, Ma." I said while smiling at her. Plastic? Okay, fine, I've been nice once.

She nodded. "That's good. I'm sure it's not my son's fault because my Miguel has grown up very nice." I heard Anton scoff, making me widen my eyes.

"Yes, Auntie, Kuya Miguel is very nice. I'm sure Ate Clea is the one with issues, that's why they often fight." Marra, Mari's younger sister, butted in. If I could just shut these siblings' mouths, I would have done it a long time ago.

"I am at fault too." Miguel said while gently touching my waist. Maybe he felt that I was about to say something bad about his family.

"No, son. I raised you well. I know you more than anyone does." Proudly said Doña Editta, making Anton scoff again, so I gave him a wide-eyed look.

"Are you choking, Anton? Are you about to die?" I asked, making him widen his eyes, and everyone's eyes were on me as if I just said the most hateful words in the universe.

"What?" Doña Editta exaggeratedly said, so I just shrugged and started eating.

"Oh, Auntie, your daughter-in-law is just joking. Clea, you're always funny with your jokes." Awkwardly laughed Anton in front of everyone, so I just glared at him and continued eating.

"How's the company, Clea? Aren't you in charge of the main office in Dumaguete?" Asked the snobbish poor woman with a raised eyebrow.

I chewed my food before smiling. "So far so good, Ma." I nodded, and Miguel gently touched my right leg.

She raised another eyebrow and fired another question. "That's good. It's also good for your husband to recover. He almost lost everything, and I know that you also need money for my son. It's good that you're helping the company." She said, as if mocking me.

Anton gulped and looked in my direction while my husband caressed my waist. Look at this woman, huh? Of all the things she could insult me about, she chose money, even though I have more money than her.

"I heard you bought expensive bags a few months ago, Ate Clea. I'm sure it's Kuya Miguel's money." Marra spoke again, as if I cared about her existence and her fucking words.

I wiped my mouth and smiled in her direction. She's just eighteen, but she already knows how to ruin my mood. Sour foul. "I'm his wife, whatever assets he owns are mine too. We're one, and his money is my money too." I said sternly, making Miguel's mom laugh like crazy.

"Oh dear…" she laughed until tears formed in her eyes. "My son's money is his. You need to work for your own income. Don't always rely on your husband for your luxuries." She said, making me smile a little.

"Ma… please, stop it. Clea is my wife, and whatever she wants, as long as I have the money to buy it, then I'll spoil her." I smirked. Heard that, Ma? Your son is going to spoil me with his money.

"She just married you in the first place, kuya, to have your money." Mari's snobbish words echoed in my ears, and I heard Anton's mocking laughter again.

"Guys, stop it!" Miguel said sternly, making everyone sit properly, except for me, of course.

"You know what? I'm done eating." I said, standing up abruptly in front of them. Miguel firmly held my hand, but I shrugged it off and left the table.

I still have a lot of words to say, but I'm holding back. I don't want to go overboard. Miguel and I just fixed things between us, and I don't want them to be the reason for me to end our relationship. We've been married for years, yet his family can't get over the fact that I'm not a gold digger when, in the first place, there's no gold in their family's wealth. They don't have that much money anymore.


"I'm getting sick of you." I whispered, but he just chuckled and sat beside me.

We were in the patio, and I didn't want my thoughts to drown me this time.

"Your family is very funny." I said, but he only scoffed. "They're your family too," he fired back, and we both laughed.

"Why are you so afraid of losing money when, in the first place, you don't have much money?" I asked him, but he just shook his head.

"I guess I belong to a joker and delusional family?" He touched his nape, and I rolled my eyes.

"I even have more money than them." I whispered, but the brute heard it and burst into laughter.

"I know. I just don't really get where their hatred is coming from. I mean... you sacrificed a lot for Miguel, the least they can do is be thankful for what you've done." I nodded, but I knew that day won't happen.

"Funny how my life went upside down like a movie." I joked, and he only scoffed a little.

"You forgave him again, didn't you?" He asked, wanting to confirm something, and by looking at him, I knew he already figured it out.

"You're such a weak person, Caprice Cleopatra Montaverde!" he said in annoyance, so I just rolled my eyes at him.

"If you love someone, you're willing to give them multiple chances to change because you always believe that things could still change. And I know Miguel is starting to change. I can feel how sincere his feelings are; he was just clouded by his problems that his monster resurfaced." I stated, but he only shook his head disappointingly.

"I don't know about you. Stand by your words, okay?" I nodded abruptly, and he ruffled my hair before standing up. "I'll be flying back to Italy tomorrow," he said, causing me to look up quickly, only to see how distant his gaze was.

"That's fast." I complained, but he just shook his head. "You forgive so easily, huh? So weak?" he raised an eyebrow, so I quickly avoided his gaze.

"When are you coming back?" I asked, but his eyes were far away. "I don't know yet. Maybe when there's a problem here." He said uncertainly, and my heart suddenly felt sad. Aside from Karen, he's the closest friend I have.

"Take care, Anton Van. I hope you have a girlfriend when you come back." I joked to lighten the atmosphere, but I only heard him groan.

"That's not going to happen." He said, but I knew I wouldn't believe his words. "I'm leaving, Clea." I nodded, and I waved my hand without even giving him a side glance.


"Hmm?" I looked in Miguel's direction, and he was holding two mugs as he handed me the other one.


"Are you alright?" He sat beside me as we both looked into the distance.

"Yup!" I beamed. I saw him put the mug of coffee beside him as he enveloped me in a hug. "I'm sorry about earlier. My family sucks at times." I nodded, but maybe they always suck when they're around.

"When are we going back to Negros?" I sipped my coffee and looked at his face. He bowed his head down. "Not yet, love. Mama still has some things to take care of in Dad's company here." He explained softly, and all I thought was that they don't have a company here anymore, and we'll go back to our life in Negros anytime soon.

"I thought your company here closed down?" I asked him doubtfully. I thought it was a fresh start, but why does it seem like we're stuck again with his family?

"Dad will be out next week." He said, and I saw a glint of happiness dancing in his eyes. But why did a sudden uneasiness settle in me? His father... the ex-governor of Negros Oriental. The one who promised a lot of things to people. The one who made every Negrosanon's life miserable. I thought he was sentenced for life, but why is he getting out? He stole the money of the farmers in Negros, and how can he still get bail?

"But... I thought... it's a lifetime sentence?" I was bombarded with thoughts.

"Dad still has connections in high places, I guess he used them to get out. I'm happy though, at last mom will no longer be sad about it," he said with pure enthusiasm written on his face.

But what about the farmers he ruined? What about the lives that were damaged because of his greediness? What about those children who never went to college because their parents lost their livelihoods? What about those who poured their entire lives into farming because it was their passion? Are all of those just nothing?

"M-Miguel... what about the people who were harmed by your father?" My stomach burned as the butterflies started to wither.

I saw how his eyes changed. He looked at me as if I were a puzzle to solve, and he shook his head. "I no longer care about them, love. Aren't you happy that we will be together again? Dad is a nice man, people were just greedy and accused Dad of things he didn't do!" He spat out those words instantly, and I couldn't believe him.

"Miguel, did you hear yourself? Your father was jailed because he did something—there were proofs, evidence that he was really the one who went against the farmers of Negros Oriental. They lost almost their whole lives, Miguel, just to provide food for people. They worked all day under the scorching sun just so that the Philippines and their families could have something to eat, but your father destroyed and stole all of that." It was difficult for me to speak.

He scoffed and looked at me flatly. "Why would I care for them, Clea? We are talking about my father, the person who raised me, fed me, sheltered me, and helped me grow, Clea. He was not the man everyone accused him to be!" He shouted angrily in front of me.

I was shaking with so much emotion. I couldn't believe I fell in love with this man. Why would he allow his father to be set free when he himself witnessed how difficult it was for each farmer who fell victim to his greedy father?

"We are your family, Clea, why would you take sides with those nobodies?" Tears started to fall from my eyes as those words he uttered cut the deepest in my chest.

I shook my head disappointingly and wiped away my tears. "I'll go back to Negros whether you like it or not. Farmers are not nobodies, Miguel—they are warriors who happen to receive very little respect from frivolous people like you!" I glared at him and quickly walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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