Chapter 14

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I'm annoyed with Cleo. He knows so much! I didn't even ask him! I hate it when he knows things, the truth, and how it affects me. I left him outside and quickly walked into the hotel. It ruined my mood.

I entered our room, bewildered as to why it wasn't locked. Miguel doesn't want our door open, it might be in the house or any other rooms we are staying in. Someone could have entered without us knowing, so I was surprised to enter. I'm sure Miguel is inside because I see his slippers by the doorway.

I wondered if he went to the room we're sleeping in, but my husband wasn't there. The bed isn't even ruffled, no one has messed it up yet. Miguel hasn't been here. My heart is pounding as if something is happening that I'm unaware of. I'm really nervous.

Miguel rented a large hotel room with two bedrooms, so I also went to the other one, but he wasn't there either. Where the hell is that brute!
I walked quickly to the kitchen when I heard what sounded like footsteps there.

"A-ah. B-Benedique. M-more!"

"H-huh... y-you're really good with this, hmm?"

I don't know. I haven't fully approached the kitchen, but I can clearly hear the soft moans of the woman and my husband. I can't describe the pain. It's nerve-wracking. I feel like I'm dying, my chest tightens. It hurts...

"Faster. U-uhm... a-ah. M-Miguel. Faster, love."

I'm silently sobbing in the corner by the kitchen door as I hear their passionate moans, causing my heart to break little by little. It fucking hurts!

"Addison, baby..."

Addison. Fuck! The fact that he let her call him "love" makes me shatter. I'm the one who's been calling you love, Miguel! It should only be me. Why does this hurt so much?

I didn't have the strength to peek at them in the kitchen. I felt numb from the pain. It's like it's piercing through me. My brain feels like it's going to explode, and I can feel my heart slowly shattering. I covered my mouth to muffle my cries. I can't let them see how miserable I am.

I took a deep breath to calm myself before wiping the tears off my cheeks. Women should feel strong despite being broken by men. I composed myself as if I were a precious gem that they would regret losing, because I truly am. I am beautiful. I was not raised to be defeated. I was not born to cry or be cheated on. I was treated like a precious jewel, and no one should trample on me. No one should. My father didn't raise me just to cry over a man. My mother didn't take care of me just to be hurt by a man.

"I didn't know I would get to see live porn in my hotel room." Startled, both of their gazes fixated on me.

I was shaking inside as I saw the naked woman beneath my husband on the table, panting in pleasure. Miguel still had his shirt on but his pants were below his knees. It's an understatement to say that I wanted to kill them right then and there just to satisfy my anger. To defend myself. But I remained calm and composed.

Miguel's eyes were filled with weariness and guilt. He quickly adjusted his clothes. I immediately looked away, especially when he helped the woman pick up her clothes. I couldn't help but laugh at them. I didn't know that the scenes I watched in movies would happen right before my eyes. To see your husband with someone else? It hit me with a different mixture of pain. That kind of pain that makes you say, "Fuck! Why don't I feel anything?" It will leave you breathless.

"C-Clea..." I saw the pleading in Miguel's voice as he reached out to hold my hand, but I quickly snatched it away.

After fucking someone else? He still had the audacity to speak. I wholeheartedly accepted all his mistreatment, thinking that he would eventually change. But fuck! I didn't waste my self-worth to become this worthless. I gave him my trust again, but he just wasted all my efforts. It was two years, you know. Two fucking years. I became the recipient of his anger, frustration, and wrath, and yet here I am, still enduring it. Fuck. It's maddening.

I shook my head in disappointment when I saw the pleading in his eyes and averted my gaze from him as it pierced through me.

"I'm his wife, in case you didn't know. If you already did, then I must reward you for sucking someone else's property. Isn't it delicious? Moaning and moaning, huh?"

I smiled at the woman, but she didn't even flinch at my angry voice. She just stood next to Miguel, unmoving and bored. God! I really hate people who don't listen to me.

I shrugged when I didn't see any fear in her. "I expect you to leave this room immediately before I become someone you don't want to see, miss," I warned her.

She moved, but it made me even angrier when she clung to Miguel's left shoulder. Look at this damn leech! She still had the audacity to hold on. I studied her face lazily, nothing special. Curly hair, well-groomed eyebrows, a nose big enough for her to breathe, cupid bow lips. In total, just a normal woman trying to steal what's mine.

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