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''And sometimes I wonder what they mean when they say 'time changes everything' but what if time never changes?..what if we get stuck there forever''

[Aiden-a humble lad hailing from a serene English village, embodies a fusion of dreams and obligations. Though he yearns to be a singer, his family's legacy steers him toward pursuing an English Honors degree. Amidst the pages of literature, he secretly composes music that echoes his ambitions. Dedicated and unyielding, Aiden's nights are dedicated to crafting songs that narrate his desires. Beyond his artistic pursuits, he's an unwavering romantic]

A bright windy day of April, sleeping on the couch wondering why nothing is going exciting until he got the notification ''Mr Aiden,congratulations we are delighted to inform you, you have been selected for the English honours of our respected Texas university in the last round of allotment, we are glad to invite you for the orientation session on the 1st week of may ,we will look forward to your journey with us, Thank You''. Aiden shouted ''MOM I MADE IT I FINALLY MADE IT TO TEXAS''. He took a quick shower and with some excitement he called Kevin.

[Kevin- a diligent and unassuming young man molded by a blend of ambition and reticence. With his sights set on a prosperous future, he toils tirelessly, driven by a determination to carve a substantial path ahead. A longtime companion of Aiden, their camaraderie is peppered with the friendly rivalry that stems from sharing the same village roots. Pursuing a similar course in English Honors, Kevin's scholarly pursuits are veiled beneath his reserved exterior, an intriguing contrast to his aspirations for a significant future.]

Kevin's phone buzzed incessantly, a relentless intrusion into his early morning . Irritated, he glanced at the screen, a groan escaping him as he recognized Aiden's name. He hesitated before begrudgingly accepting the call, his voice dripping with annoyance, "Bro, it's literally 8 AM. What the heck do you want?"

Aiden's voice crackled through the line, undeterred by Kevin's harsh greeting. "Come on, man. No need to be that rude. I've got some good news."

Kevin's sarcasm laced his words, "Oh, let me guess. Did she finally reply to your texts? Or is it a thrilling update about an harassment FIR?"

Aiden's patience shone through his tone, "No, not about her. It's different. I actually got selected for English honours too."

A pause lingered, and then Kevin's shock reverberated in his voice, "Are you freaking serious, brother? At least give me some space to process this, please."

Aiden chuckled, the warmth in his laughter palpable despite the miles between them. "Haha, meet me at the roadside at 6 PM. I've got a lot of stuff to buy before the end of the month, or else I won't look like I deserve to be there." With that, the call ended.

Kevin couldn't help but smile. Underneath his façade of irritation, he felt a surge of happiness for his friend's success. Lying back on his bed, he muttered to himself, "Life is going to be interesting again, right?" In that moment, the weight of the upcoming journey felt a little lighter, knowing he had a partner by his side even before stepping into the university's halls.

Deciding to make the most of their time, the duo hatched a plan to visit the CYBERSITE, a popular mall known far and wide. Their mission was to gather the essentials required for their upcoming university journey, a task that seemed both mundane and exciting at the same time.

As they strolled through the mall's corridors, filling their baskets with notebooks, pens, and the occasional snack, fate decided to intervene. In a twist of events, they collided with a young woman who appeared to be in a tremendous hurry - a whirlwind of urgency, if you will

Kevin, never one to shy away from offering his opinions, quipped, "Hey there, maybe take a second to look around. This place isn't your home." The girl, not one to back down, shot back with a fiery retort, "I'm racing against time, so kindly spare me the commentary unless you're begging for a foot introduction to your not-so-pretty face."

Amidst the chaos, the girl's voice pierced through the air, proclaiming, "Cross my path again, and regret shall be your companion." Kevin, unflinchingly , countered with, "As if I'm eagerly waiting to gaze upon this Earth's self-proclaimed burden."

Aiden dragged Kevin out of the mall. With a reassuring pat on the back, he delivered a sage piece of advice, "Bro, remember, there are far better things in life than feuding with whirlwinds. We're headed to Texas - a land with possibilities and, dare I say, more sensible beauties."

Kevin, his eyes shooting metaphorical lightning bolts, locked Aiden in a 10-second death stare . With a parting declaration, he stormed off homeward-bound, muttering, "Your exciting escapade might just reveal its tough side, my friend."

Aiden scratched his head in bewildered contemplation. His face contorted in concentration as he pondered Kevin's enigmatic parting words, all while a hint of a bemused smile danced on his lips.

Aiden returned home where his dad was waiting for him and the moment he encountered his dad, his dad shouted on him "you are not going to Texas Aiden''. Aiden replied ''you are not the one who worked his ass off every day and night to study there, i achieved it, ever since we moved out from Texas when I was 8, I still wonder where are my friends now, what are they doing in their life, do they miss me or do they hate me?''. His dad said ''son listen..'', Aiden interrupted him saying ''I do not wanna listen ,due to your life problems or whatever excuses you are giving me from past these years my life has been a hell and now that i got the opportunity, you still have problems?, I don't need you anymore, everything is free there because i earned it''. "son I have reasons ,i do not wanna lose you now'' his dad said. Aiden asked him what does he mean?. dad replied with tears in his eyes "nothing son just understand my point that there are things which i cannot disclose to you, you will regret your whole life please do not go, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH". Aiden with real anger in his cold eyes "DAD...BUT I HATE YOU..i dont wanna listen to your shit anymore , lemme live a good life, GOODNIGHT". Dad replied ''i will always love you, you must find -"..before he could complete his sentence Aiden locked his room ,his dad smiled a little and as he turned away, a shadow with green eyes was looking at him, dad said "please take care of my child , he is a beautiful soul , i tried everything i could but in the end it didn't mattered".

Aiden's heart was heavy with remorse as he barricaded himself within his room, the echoes of his hurtful words to his father ringing in his ears. Tears streaked his face, and the weight of regret seemed almost unbearable. With a heavy sigh, he drifted into an uneasy sleep.

In the realm of dreams, a message materialized before him like a portal to the unknown: "Welcome to the adventure of enigma." Aiden's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding. The words held an ethereal significance, a harbinger of something profound. As reality seeped back, he glanced at the clock-9 AM. Time had moved forward without his consent.

Aiden emerged from his room, his footsteps weighed with purpose. Just as he was about to call out, a metallic scent tainted the air. His heart raced, each beat resonating with unease. The hallway, once a battleground of words, now bore a more sinister atmosphere.

"Dad, are you awake?" Aiden's voice quivered, trailing off as he caught sight of the scene before him. His eyes widened, horror and disbelief intertwining as his gaze swept across the hall. The remnants of the prior night's altercation were now overshadowed by a far more shocking thing-his father, lying motionless, an aura of tragedy hanging heavily in the air.

Time seemed suspended as Aiden's thoughts swirled, the dream's cryptic message echoing in his mind. As shock gave way to realization, a flood of emotions surged within him. Guilt gnawed at his conscience, a relentless reminder of the harsh words he couldn't take back. The room seemed to close in on him, suffocating him with the weight of the moment.

Tears blurred his vision as Aiden knelt beside his father, the gravity of their unresolved fight crushing him. The apology he had meant to offer felt insufficient now, lost in a sea of regret.

Aiden eyes was flooded with tears of regret as he looked up where he found a letter saying "Texas is waiting for your adventures, its gonna be a fun ride between your dream and your reality" followed by something confusing written as-


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