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Amidst the aftermath of their surreal experiences, the group found themselves engaged in an important discussion.

The weight of unspoken words lingered in the air, creating a shared understanding that transcended the need for verbal communication. It was in this contemplative atmosphere that they collectively decided to board a train, embarking on a journey homeward.

As they settled into their respective seats, the train's rhythmic movements seemed to mirror the picture of their thoughts.

Kevin, Peter, and Chloe occupied one cluster of seats, while Aiden and Sarah found themselves side by side

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Kevin, Peter, and Chloe occupied one cluster of seats, while Aiden and Sarah found themselves side by side. The remnants of recent events hung in the air, a heavy silence punctuating the journey back to Texas.

Despite it, a good distance separated the members of the group. The shared seat left a big mark on each of them, rendering conversation a challenge none dared to undertake.

Sarah, however, couldn't help but notice the silent struggle across Aiden's face. Tears silently traced his path down his cheeks, revealing a vulnerability he had tried to conceal.

Concern etched across her features, Sarah gently inquired, "What happened, Aiden?" His response was silence, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery beyond the window

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Concern etched across her features, Sarah gently inquired, "What happened, Aiden?" His response was silence, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery beyond the window. Aiden, wrestling with emotions too profound for words, reached out to Sarah with a simple yet a gentle request, "If you don't mind, can we act like friends? Maybe just for a minute."

Caught off guard by the unexpected plea, Sarah sought an explanation, questioning, "Why? Why, out of nowhere, do you want to act like friends?" Aiden's tearful eyes met hers, conveying a vulnerability that transcended the need for spoken language. In a voice laden with emotion, he confessed, "Because I'm scared."


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