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Amidst the rhythmic sound of the train, Aiden trapped in silence after hearing Sarah theory about Aiden's mom, the weight of his past and the recent revelations sinking in. Sarah connecting to his emotional state, instinctively wrapped her arms around him in a comforting way.

"Don't worry, Aiden," she reassured him, her voice a soothing balm. "You saw that wolf-like creature with Principal Charles last time, right? We'll ask him, 'What was that? What exactly was that?' We won't let you go like that. If we're not wrong, we feel safe. You feel safe right?."

Aiden, caught in the moment of gratitude and confusion, met Sarah's gaze. His eyes, still tinged with remnants of sorrow, searched for answers within hers. In a hushed whisper, he posed a question that lingered in the air, "Why are you even helping me? Don't you hate me?" The vulnerability in his voice mirrored the shadows of self-doubt that haunted him.

 In a hushed whisper, he posed a question that lingered in the air, "Why are you even helping me? Don't you hate me?" The vulnerability in his voice mirrored the shadows of self-doubt that haunted him

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Sarah, unwavering in her commitment to friendship, responded with a sincerity that cut through the uncertainty. "No. I am your friend," she affirmed, the words carrying a calm aura. "We are friends, and if we're not wrong, we will save your mom or that chimera if we do something." The unspoken bond they shared, disappeared the shadows of doubt clouding Aiden's mind.

As the train continued its journey through the night, the city lights of Texas emerged on the horizon.

The pair, intertwined in a moment of shared vulnerability and trust, faced the imminent return to their familiar surroundings.

After four hours of travel, they arrived at the same university that concealed mysteries beyond their wildest imagination.

The university, seemingly ordinary to the unsuspecting eye, have secrets that were hard to find. Aiden, Sarah, and their companions disembarked, stepping onto the familiar grounds that had been witness to inexplicable occurrences.

The campus, cloaked in the silence of the night, held within its onfines the echoes of the encounters and the promise of answers yet to be unveiled.

The journey, both physical and metaphysical, had brought them full circle, back to the ground of the unforgettable event.

Aiden, fueled by a newfound determination, gazed at the university with a sense of purpose. The mysteries that unfolded within its halls beckoned, challenging the boundaries of understanding and ushering the group into a realm where the ordinary and the extraordinary met.

Texas university, the same place held the lingering echoes of the portal's opening, the presence of the chimera, and the enigmatic encounters with Chef Albert. However, it also served as the stage for their impending meeting with Principal Charles - the key to unlocking the cryptic answers that surrounded Aiden.

 However, it also served as the stage for their impending meeting with Principal Charles - the key to unlocking the cryptic answers that surrounded Aiden

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