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The next morning arrived with daylight breaking through the dorm windows. It was Kevin who opened his eyes first by the gentle morning rays. Stretching and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Kevin shook Peter awake.

Aiden, who had experienced the bizarre events of the previous night, opened his eyes as well. He couldn't help but cast a glance around the room, his memory hazy from the surreal occurrences that had take place.

His eyes soon landed on a detail that instantly caught his attention. The glass that he had accidentally knocked over during his late night awakening was nowhere to be seen. It was as if it had vanished into thin air, unsettling absence in the room.

Aiden's thoughts raced as he considered the implications of the missing glass. It seemed odd and out of place. But he couldn't bring himself to mention it to his roommates just yet. After all, he didn't want to burden them with the strange and unsettling experiences he had endured the previous night.

Summoning his best casual tone, Aiden addressed Kevin, who was now fully awake. "Hey, bro, did you clean our room today?" he asked, attempting to keep his voice steady despite the unease that haunted him.

Peter, still in the midst of rubbing sleep from his eyes, murmured with a yawn. "We just woke up, man," he groaned and replied, not registering the importance of Aiden's question.

Aiden hesitated for a moment, a sense of isolation creeping in. He knew that sharing the details of his mysterious encounter from the previous night could lead to concern or disbelief from his friends. With that in mind, he decided to brush off the strange occurrence as best he could. "Oh, okay," he mumbled.

In that moment, Aiden chose to keep his secrets locked within, shrouding the strange events in silence. It was a decision borne of a desire to protect his friends from the otherworldly, even as his own mind remained haunted by the mysteries that had unfolded in the dark of night.

As the warmth of dawn crept in, Kevin and Peter stirred, their voices filling the room with casual chatter between those two. They had an air of anticipation about them, the kind that often accompanied carefree days spent without the weight of academic responsibilities.

 They had an air of anticipation about them, the kind that often accompanied carefree days spent without the weight of academic responsibilities

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However, in the laughter and banter, Aiden remained unusually quiet. His thoughts were still stuck on the strange events of the previous night, the surreal encounter with Principal Charles Johnson, and the wolf-like creature who seemed very close to Aiden that had left him with more questions than answers. He sat there, a silent observer, content to listen to the words exchanged between his friends.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorbell of their dorm started ringing and changing the atmosphere. The roommates exchanged puzzled glances, as this was a morning where they should have been in class. Yet, it was a maintenance holiday, and the unexpected interruption left them confused.

Peter, with curiosity getting the better of him, rose from his seat and approached the door. As he swung it open, he was met with an unexpected sight. A man with a platter of food in his hand stood at the door, his eyes bright with a charming smile. His head was cleanly shaved, and he exuded an air of geniality that was as disarming as it was surprising.

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