2. Waiting.

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It ain't that long after I climb up onto the RV with Dale that we hear the CB go off. I guess I've been up here with him for a couple hours now, 'cause the dark clouds that had looked so far away before seemed to be much, much closer. I hope it rains. I really, really hope it rains, 'cause it's too hot and ain't nothin' better than a big storm on a hot, summer day. I like the way it makes my stomach feel. Anxious and exhilarated at the same time. Plus, maybe if it starts raining, my dad will decide to come back to camp early. 

I told Dale this earlier, when I first saw them dark storm clouds. Dale told me that he likes the rain, too, but he hopes it doesn't rain because that would make it harder for our group in Atlanta. It sorta made me feel bad that I didn't even think about them at all when I said I hoped it'd rain. But Dale said no worries, because he won't tell a soul. I believe him. 

Anyway, the radios going off, and for a moment, no one's doing anything about it. But then Shane gets up, because he's in charge, and he goes over to the CB. Once he's rushing over to it, Lori is, too, and that makes me wanna rush over it, too, because I don't wanna miss out on nothing. So I quickly climb down from the RV. I wish I could just jump down, but Dad saw me do that once and he got real mad. He said if I broke my leg, jumping down from the RV, he'd leave me behind when the walkers came. I don't think he meant that. He just wanted me to listen.

"Base camp, this is T-Dog," I can hear the Radio squawking. After my feet hit the ground, Dale climbs down, too. Jim's by the RV, now, too, and soon Carl comes running up. Carl's running so quick that he almost knocks into Uncle Merle's motorcycle. Merle would be real mad about that. Good thing he ain't here. "Anybody hear me?" T-Dog's asking.

Shane gets to the CB before anyone else does. He picks up the radio, which is squeaking and squealing like a dying animal. "Hello? Hello? Reception's bad on this end," Shane says into the walkie. "Repeat. Repeat."

"Is that them?" Lori's asking. I nod, because I can hear T-Dog, but I don't think Lori notices my nod. 

"We're in some deep shit," T-Dog's voice asks, all quick and scrambled with the static. Then, more static and white noise, which sounds like when the TV goes to the wrong input and has the salt and pepper fuzzy screen. I don't think none of us can really tell what he's trying to tell us, but we can make out the words trapped and department store, which ain't really good news at all. 

"He said they're trapped?" Shane asks, his eyebrows all scrunched with worry. He runs his hand through his curly, brown hair, which is something I've seen him do about a thousand times. The CB starts cracklin' again and we can make out the word surrounded. It's like a little puzzle. We just gotta put the pieces together to get what is probably some real bad news. "T-Dog, repeat. Repeat," Shane says into the walkie. 

There's no answer. Just more cracklin' static and squealing. I think the thunder clouds might be messing with the radio.

Shane runs his hand through his hair again and Amy looks up at the sky with the most worried look I ever seen. She's real worried about her sister, I bet. They're very close. Sometimes I wish I had a sister or a brother, but I know that won't happen. Dad's already got his hands full with me, I guess. He always reminds me. Best be grateful, he says to me, it ain't easy raisin' you on my own. And I always tell him that I really am grateful.

Lori's standing next to Carl with her hands on her hips. "He said the department store," she says, but I'm a bit distracted by the necklace she's wearing. It looks like a locket, like the one that Litte Orphan Annie has, and I wanna ask Lori whose picture she's got inside. I don't how people can even fit pictures in necklaces that tiny. Anyway, I know that's not important right now, so I look away from her and back at the radio again. 

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