Chapter 32 - Mixed Feelings

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This chapter will be about Jimin's and Yoongi's POVs

- Flashback of what happened back in Korea in year 2019- Part 4 -

After lunch, Yoongi drag his luggage to his room and began unpacking his luggage while thinking about how this whole Undercover Bodyguard thingy will work, etc. Having a lot of thoughts and mixed feelings, he walked over to Jimin's room and looked for him. Upon reaching his room which is just down the hallway slightly diagonally opposite of Yoongi's room, he saw Jimin laying down on his bed and gazing into the room's ceiling. Yoongi follow suit and lay down beside Jimin as well. Jimin did not even realized that Yoongi is just right beside him until Yoongi asked "Hey bro...what are you thinking about?"

"Oh! Yoongi.. I don't even know you are here. Well.. I am just wondering about our future. What is going to be happening to us or how how our lives would change after going through all the trainings and stuffs. Will our lives ever still be the same again? Are we able to complete the upcoming missions and plans that are coming for us...?" Jimin answered. Yoongi suddenly went all quiet. After a good 10 minutes of silence, Yoongi finally said something "Bro...I am feeling the same as you. I have all these doubts and questions inside my head. But there must be a reason why we are born into these families and to continue this family business. At least we have one another, we can support one another and be there for each other too. Think of it this way Jimin...Once we have completed all the trainings, we would be stronger and we would be able to protect the people that we want to protect the most, including our loves ones."

"I guess you are right... since we can't choose which family to be born into and this has been our family business since decades. We just have to accept it and try to anticipate what is going to come for us. But YES!!! We would be able to protect the people that we want to protect!" Jimin agreed with Yoongi. Both of them looked at one another and laughed. They continue to lie on Jimin's bed for a while longer before Mr Park interrupted. "Boys! I need you both to come over to my study room in 5 minutes time."

Soon the 5 minutes had passed and the both of them headed over to Mr Park's study room. "How is your unpacking, Yoongi? Anything else that you may need?" Mr Park questioned. "Oh, everything is alright Sir. I managed to bring all the essential stuffs with me in one luggage and anything else I can just get it at the marts later on. So don't worry, Sir." Yoongi smiled and replied. "That's great... But if you ever need anything, just let one of our servants know about it okay?" Mr Park added. "Yes, Sir. Of course." Yoongi replied.

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