Chapter 51 -!!!

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I managed to use all of my last strength to crawl over to Jimin's side. I was crying and shoutingaway "JIMIN!'!!!! You are bleeding a lot." I used my hands to press down ontoJimin's chest trying damn hard to stop the bleeding. All I could think of is to use my hands tostop his bleeding for now. After awhile I heard a gun shot coming behind me. Yoongi managed toshoot down the unknown guy and my stepfather is nowhere to be seen. Yoongi went over toCheryl's side and helped her up. She was still in a unconscious state. Yoongi pulled out his mobilephone and dialed 911. Yoongi looked as worried as I am. He was hugging Cheryl so tightly andgiving kisses on her forehead while waiting for the assistance to come.

Luckily not long after, the ambulance and police arrived. All of us were being sent to the hospital.The last thing I knew was that I woke up on a hospital bed and the police officers started walkingtowards me to pen down my statement. I was looking around and couldn't find Yoongi. Where isYoongi? After the police officers were done with my statement, I got down from the bed andbegan looking for Yoongi. And there he was, standing in the corridor looking into one of therooms by the glass panel. I walked over and stood beside Yoongi. In the room was Cheryl lying onthe bed. "How are you feeling, Connie?" Yoongi asked. "I am feeling a little better already. Thankyou so much Yoongi." I replied. "How's my twinnie? What did the doctor said? When will she beawake? I asked Yoongi while my tears fell down from both of eyes.

"Due to the impact done to her head while hitting her head onto the rock, there were blood clotsformed inside her brain but all is good now, they have done an operation on her and had alreadyremoved all the blood clots from her brain. Her vitals are all good and she is already out of thedangerous situation. She will be up soon in no time so not to worry, Connie." Yoongi reassuredme. "Then how about Jimin? Where is he right now? I wanna go see Jimin." I started to walk offwhile asking Yoongi. I felt a pull on my arm, it was Yoongi. He pulled me back. "He is now in theIntensive Care Unit (ICU). The fella from earlier shot him in his chest and the bullet landed inhis heart. They had to operate on him and take out the bullet from his heart. But due to toomuch bleeding, they had to do blood transfusion on him. For now, Jimin is out of the woodsalready but the doctor told me just now that they are not sure when Jimin will wake up again. Heneeds to rest for now." Yoongi explained.

I was sobbing as Yoongi explained Jimin's current situation to me. "I really want to see Jimin rightnow..." I cried out to Yoongi. "We can visit him later in the evening, the doctor told me. I am verysure my bro will be fine and will be awake soon. Don't worry so much..." Yoongi said while pattingmy back. Later that day in evening, Yoongi and I went to visit Jimin in the ICU but before goinginto the room, we had to don on protective gear to prevent our germs from getting to Jimin. Wecould see from our face shields that Jimin was lying on the bed and his face still looking so pale.My tears just come down uncontrollably. Looking at Jimin like this just made my heart shatteredinto pieces. It really hurts me so badly to see Jimin in this condition. I really pray hard that Jiminwould wake up soon. There are still so many words that I want to tell Jimin about.

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