Chapter Six

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Katherine POV

"You called for a meeting?" I say walking. I'm noticing both Lando and Marcus also sitting there with Claire.

"You two did an excellent job last night better than we could have thought,"

"The kiss, the dancing in the rain," Lando looks at me.

"The dancing in the rain?" He asks they nod, showing him the photos that were taken for two nights ago. He takes them in his hand, and I notice a little smile on his face.

"We want you to keep it up today is race day, and you two need to be on your best behaviour,"

"When aren't we?" They glare at me,"just try to keep up with me," he smirks at me, standing up and opening the door, and we walk out. 

"Good luck for the race. You're gonna need it," he says, leaning down to my ear.

"I'm not going to need it, but you are," he chuckled

"You win some you lose some except for me I always win," he smirks.

"We'll see about that,"


"That's P1 Button," I hear my engineer  say I smile.

"Whose behind me?" I ask, pulling into the pit lane

"Norris and Verstappen," I pull up, getting out of the car and running to my team as the cheer for me.

"Great start to the season, keep it up," Christian says, hugging me.

"You got it," I turn around to see Lando and Max congratulating each other. I make my way over, taking my helmet off.

"What did you say to me before the race started? You always win," he takes off his helmet.

"Guess I spoke too soon,"

"Guess so," he smirks down at me, then walks to his team.

"What was that?" Max asks as we make our way to the cool down room.

"What was what?"

"Don't play dumb, thst between you and Lando," I shrug

"I don't know what you mean," he was about to say something, but Lando came in taking a seat.

"Your phones ringing," Max says. I look over, staring at the number.

"You just gonna stare at it? You're not going to answer?" Lando says.

"Nope," I hang up. Max looks at me.

"Who was it?"

"Theo," he frowns

"You're joking, right?" he takes the phone out of my hand.

"What are you doing,"

"Calling him back," Lando looks between the two of us confused.

"Katie, I'm glad you called me back," his voice comes through on speaker phone.

"Wrong," Max says.

"Verstappen, what are you doing? Answer Katie's phone?"

"Thst nickname is for her friends which you are not," I sit back down. "You know I don't like many people, but you I dislike the most,"

"That hurts,"

"Stop ringing, Katherine,"

"If she wanted me to stop calling so much, she'd change her number."

"I did, so I'm confused as to how you've got it," I add

"I have my sources,"

"Leave her be she's moved on you should too,"

"Lando Norris, right?" Lando head shoots up."You really want me to believe you two are together,"

"Well, believe it, mate," Lando speaks. "I'd appreciate you stop calling my girlfriend. I wouldn't want to mess that pretty face of your up," With that, he hangs up.

"Come on, it's time for celebrations," he says.

"Protective boyfriend, I like it," Max mumbles.

We stood on the podiums as the national anthems got played. Lando kept looking at me. I only knew this cause every time I'd sneak a glance, he'd already be looking.

Lando did his signature champagne pop and poured it all over me. I do the same to him getting Max as well. Normally me and Lando I would avoid each other. This time, his arm was around my waist, his other hand pouring it over my head as Max laughed at the two of us.

"Who would have thought I'd get you so wet," my cheeks threatened to blush at his words.

"This is the only time you'll ever get me wet,"

"We'll see," he winks at me.

What the hell did that mean? And why do I want to find out. I was never attracted to Lando until last night. Something about him pulled me in, and I wasn't sure if I wanted it, too.


After party I didn't want to go but Harper had forced me.

"I want to be surrounded by hot Formula One drivers,"

"You could come to the paddock more," she shakes her head.

"I can't do it sober," she takes my hand, leading me through the crowd over to the VIP section. The drivers seated. I couldn't see Lando anywhere.

"How's the fake dating going?" Daneil asks as I take a seat next to him.

"It's going,"

"He's not a bad guy he just does questionable things," I nod.

"I'm starting to see that," he smiles at me.

"I'm gonna get another drink," I stand up, walking over to the bar. An arm snakes around my waist. I get out of their grip, turning around.

"What do you want Theo?"

"You look good tonight," I roll my eyes at him. "Come on, let's leave," I shake my head.

"Not going to happen,"

"Why because of Lando?"

"Or because you cheated on me and many other reasons I'm not interested,"

"So not Lando. I knew you two weren't a really thing,"

All of a sudden, someone came up next to me, smashing their lips onto mine. The scent of his aftershave familiar I knew it was Lando, my arms wrapped around his neck as he pulled me in by my waist. We pull apart.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," he looks at Theo.

"You two," he points between us.

"Are a thing yeah now fuck off," Lando says taking my hand pulling me away.

"I thought you needed saving,"

"Thank you," he smiles at me.

"This isn't the way to the vip section,"

"I know I'm DJing," he leads me to the DJ stand.

"A man of many talents,"

"In public and the bedroom," he winks. I slap his arm.

"Here, let me show you," he pulls me in front of him, and he shows me all the different keys.

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