Character Profile

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Name: Ishi Uchiha

Any nicknames: Shishi (by Naruto) Chipmunk (by Itachi)

Age: 11

Gender: female

Height: 5'

Weight: 85 lbs

Birthday: November 24

Hair: Black

Eyes: Black

Likes: eating, leaning, having fun, Naruto, Itachi, sleeping

Dislikes: being disrespected, tomatoes, Danzo, being bored

What are their defining features: Standard Uchiha appearance, Beauty mark under right eye.

Does their name have a meaning: Yes, Ishi means will.

What family do they have: Mother (Ichika) Father (Haru) God brother (Naruto)

Do they have a good relationship with their family: A little strained, but good

Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy: middle-class

Do they look up to anyone: No

Who is their best friend: Itachi, Shisui and Kakshi

Do they have any enemies: Konoha leaders, Fugaku

Are they well liked: only by people who know her

A/n Just a little thing for those people going back to school! Enjoy~

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