Ch 47

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Ibiki smiled brightly, "there never was a 10th question, not a written one anyway. Actually your decision to stay was the answer to the 10th question." 

Everyone was surprised. 

"Wait a second, so the other 9 questions were a waste of time? Is that what you're saying?" Temari was not happy. 

"No, no, not at all, quite the opposite." Ibiki has taken a more lighthearted attitude. "The first nine questions had an important overriding purpose, to test your individual information gathering ability," makes sense. 

"Oh, well that clears up everything," Temari sat back down. 

"Let me explain, do you see my objective was to test you not only as individuals but as a team, and how well you function as a part of that team. That's why the test was scored on a team basis. So you know that everything you did or failed to do would directly affect your teammates. I wanted to see how you handled the pressure." 

Makes sense. 

"Yeah, I figured it was something like that. That's why I kept my cool." 

Naruto, I love you. But that's bullshit. 

"But the questions on the test were not the type a genin could answer. Because of that, I'm sure most of the people came to the same conclusion, that you have to cheat if you had any chance of passing." A good plan, gathering information is a shinobi's job. 

"The fact is the test was designed to encourage cheating. It almost demanded it. Of course it would have done you little good unless you had someone to cheat from. So I disguised two chunin who already knew the answers, and had them sit in with you." The two chunin raised their hands to show themselves. 

Naruto laughed, "oh come on, I wasn't fooled for a second, you'd have to be a complete moron not to see it." I laughed and covered my mouth. 

He kept lying. 

"What an idiot," Shikamaru sighed. "You guys are kids," I chuckled. 

"Those who were caught at it failed. Better not to cheat, then to cheat clumsily." True words. 

"Because at times, information is more important than life. And on missions in the battlefield, people arrested lives to get their hands on it." 

He took off his hat and showed us his scars. It was the result of torture. He went through worse than I did. Way worse. 

"Of course you must always consider the source of your information, intelligence gathered from an enemy, is not necessarily accurate." He put it back on his head. 

"I want you to remember this. Important information in your hands can be a powerful weapon for your conrads and your village. So we had to gather information through cheating, this clearly separates those that did not have the right abilities." 

He is speaking from experience, many have most likely gone through this. Honestly, this is like when you're in that one class that's actually interesting. It makes you want to listen and learn. 

"Ok, but I'm still not getting what the 10th question is about," I know you're smarter than this Temari. 

"You're not? The 10th question is the main point of the whole exam. Surely you see that," don't expect that everyone will understand you. 

"Sure but explain it anyway." Sakura, not you too. 

"As I said before, the goal was to test you not only as individuals, but as part of a squad. The final question gave you two choices. Both difficult. You could choose to play it safe and skip the question, though it meant that both you and your teammates would fail. Or you could try and answer it, knowing that if you got it wrong, you would lose your chance at ever being chunin. It was a no-win situation." 

I hate those kinds of choices. 

"But just the sort chunin have to face everyday," I'm glad I won't have that responsibility. 

"For example, let me give you a hypothetical mission. Your mission is to steal a secret document. The amount of ninjas, their abilities, etc is unknown to you. And of course, there could be traps set all around you. Now do you accept, or not accept?" 

He had everyone captivated by his explanation. 

"Because you don't want to die, because you don't want your comrades to be hurt. Can you avoid this dangerous mission?" His face was completely serious. 

"The answer is no! There will be many missions that will seem almost suicidal if you think about it. But you do not think about it, you think only about the goal. Achieving it through courage and discipline. These are the qualities required for a Chunin squad leader." 

I smiled, he's got his facts right. I need to talk to him when everything's done. 

"Those who can't put their destinies on the line, who cling to the uncertain future of 'there's always next year', and then walk away from their chance, Those pieces of trash, who can only make cowardly choices don't have the right to become chunin, and they won't as long as I am here." 

Good decision. 

"As for the rest of you, you have successfully answered the 10 questions I've asked you. You have earned the right to continue onto the next step. You have made it through the entrance. The first test of the Chunin exam is now finished. I wish you guys luck." 

Naruto was ecstatic, "alright!! We did it!! That's one down! Yeah! Yeah! Woohoo!!!" 

I smiled at him being so happy, I was glad that- 

The window. 

I turned to look at the window just as someone broke through the window. 

I chuckled, it's Anko. 

Her stunt made every Genin in the room jump out of their seats. 

"Heads up boys and girls, this is no time to be celebrating! I am the examiner for the second test!! Anko Mitarashi!!! You ready?! Good!! Let's go! Follow me!!"

I giggled at the silence. Ibiki poked his head out from behind the poster Anko put up, "you're early, again." 

Anko blushed in embarrassment before calming down. "How many are there? Ibiki, you let all these guys pass? Your test was too easy, you must be getting soft." 

I smirked at her, she's funny. 

"Or they could be a stronger crowd of candidates this time," Ibiki smirked. 

That is the case my dudes. 

She hummed, "they sure don't look it. Trust me, before I'm done with them, there will only be half." That stunned many people. 

She laughed, "this is gonna be fun." 

Then she put on a serious face, "alright you maggots have had it easy so far but things are gonna be different first thing in the morning. I'll let your squad leaders know where you're going to meet me. Dismissed," she said that in a bratty tone. 

I like this one. 

I was the first to get up, the rest of my team also stood up as we walked out of there. I got some shopping to do. And some more sleep. 

Can't wait for tomorrow!

A/n Forest of death!! I  can't wait! The good parts are coming! I repeat! The good parts are coming!! Enjoy~

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