Ch 62

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OK, that took longer than I thought. 

A lot longer. 

Orochimaru left early in the morning, or at least that was what I was told in the note. As usual, I wasn't up. And as usual, no one woke me up. Not sure if that is a blessing or a curse. 


Kabuto was also gone, he was the one to make the note. As he was the last one who left. 

And as Orochmaru is just a lazy ass with a narcissistic personality and... 

...Daddy issues. 

Orochimaru is now going to be dressed as the Kazekage. 

And yada yada. 

But the only thing I hate about this whole situation is that. 


Orochimaru put seals all around the place we were staying at to keep me in. Seemed like they didn't want me to escape and maybe help the other side. 

Which is valid because that was exactly what I was going to do. 

But now I am missing the finals of the chunin exams and I am trapped! 

How dare they! I

've been working on this sucker (seal) for the past hour! Orochimaru knows I'm good with them, so he didn't just put one down. 

He didn't just put two down. 

He didn't even just put five down. 

But 10! 

10 seals that he put a lot of his chakra into. No wonder he wasn't doing much but sitting down for the past few days, he was putting chakra into these!! 

I had already gotten through 7 of them. 

See, I show and tell him about what I'm capable of, doesn't mean I show everything to the full extent. Doesn't mean I show all my tricks. 

And he knows that. 

But I don't think he thinks that these would keep me here, because they won't. 

It, of course, would take me a minute to work out how to deal with these. But it wouldn't keep me trapped. 

Not in a million years. 

Never in a million years. 

And he knows that. 

So, I'm going to get out of here. Choke that old snake like I 'let' him do to me, and live my life. 

Yes people, I let him do that. You know narcissistic people work, make them think they're in charge and fool them. 

That's basically this. 

But to my expanse. 

But don't worry, I am completely one for revenge. 

And revenge is what I will have. 

After I got out of the fricking room!! 

I had just released the 8th one that I felt my chakra slowly draining. Maybe this was his plan all along. Not that I would stay in the room. But I would be too tired to even help fight. 

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