Ch 77

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It's time. 

What I've been waiting for. What we've all been waiting for. It's been 8 hours since I ate and the surgery is getting started. 

Tsunade and Shizune are getting ready as I wait outside. The nerves were starting to get to me, and I was sweating as the clock ticked down the seconds that felt like hours. 

Of course I have the thoughts of what would happen if everything went wrong. But I trust Tsunade and Shizune, so I know everything will be fine. 

It's just the nerves. I've never had surgery and I'm very scared it will feel like dying. You know, everything is going black and such. 

"Hitori," I heard Tsunade call from the inside. Damn, I feel like I'm walking to my death. 

I opened the door and everything was covered in plastic and blankets. I could see the small table with all the medical equipment but I chose to not look at it. 

Might get cold feet. I wouldn't, but it's a thought. 

"Lay down and we'll get started," Tsunade gave me a dress thing that you wear in hospitals. God, I'm so nervous that I'm forgetting the name. 

I did as she instructed and Tsunade finally finished what she was preparing. 

"Now we don't have an IV to put the anesthesia on, so we have to use a good old fashioned kindle." I freeze. So many questions. I have so many questions. 

"Where did you get-" 

"Don't ask." 

I shut up and stay tense as I realize how illegal this is. This might give me the death penalty. 

"Are you ready?" Shizune asked me. 

Hell nah. I wanna go. But I've come so far. 

I nodded my head, a little scared that if I speak I might chicken out. I'm not sure of what I'm scared of. Actually I do. 


I'm scared of how vulnerable I will be. I'm putting my sight, my future, my life in the hands of someone else. I've never done that before. It's always been me, myself and I. I've always had my own back, never needing or asking for help. 

But this time I have to. This time I can't do it myself. I have to ask someone, I have to put myself out there. 

And I'm glad it's Tsunade who's going to be the first person. I'm glad that I know it probably won't go wrong. She's a professional. But I still think about it. 

Call me a pessimist or a realist, it's a big step for someone who's been betrayed. No one ever helped me walk, I had to learn on my own. The knowledge of the future made me close my heart and make barely any relationships. 

I did of course, as I'm not a lone wolf. I'm a social person, yet the world made me be by myself. Now, without warning, I have to go back into the old world I left. 

And it's scary. Really scary. 

I feel like that teenager who was hit by that truck. That little Uchiha child who was just learning about my new world. That young girl who made friends. That preteen who was in a situation she should have never been in. 

And now, that young adult who's making the best of her circumstance. 

My story's been so long, yet so short. And it's not even done. Not even close. 

So, I'm ready to handle all that's going to come. I'm ready to take on the world. My goal is to survive, and that's what I'm doing. 

One step at a time. And this surgery is just baby steps. 

If I can't trust Tsunade, a trustworthy person now, I'll never be able to trust. And we can't have that. 

I felt the kindle prick as she professionally sent the anesthesia into my system. 

"Count back from 10." 

I chuckled, still nervous to high heaven, "they say it takes no time for it to kick in-" 

And I was out, everything went dark. 

A/n Very very short chapter. One of the shortest, if not the shortest chapter I've ever wrote. Enjoy~

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