Ch 16

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A/n So one of my reader's commented on a chapter, telling me what the Naruto currency was (thank you Red_Helix75). And I did some research and couldn't find how to exactly find the accurate money. So I did it on my own. I'm going to show you how I did, just so everyone understands. This is how it goes:
1 ryo = 10 yen = 9 cents
So with that logic and google this is what I found:
$1 = 11 ryo
$5 = 54
$10 = 108
$50 = 540
$100 = 1081
Have fun with that info
Btw this is with my country's currency in dollars


My relationship with Itachi has been different ever since that day. I kept asking myself "why me, why did he come to me?". I was so confused and honoured.

He had so many people to go to, his mom, his dad, his brother, and even Shisui. But then I remembered the predicament he is in, he's holding so much weight on his shoulders.

He can't go to his parents, especially his Dad because they expect so much from him. He obviously can't go to Sasuke because he is barely talking, and Shisui. I actually don't know the reason he didn't go to him but still, it's probably something like his family's reasons.

I was still so touched he came to me to calm down. Our relationship has gotten to a point where we were open with each other. He said what was on his mind, I said what was on mine.

And it sucked.

"You should eat more healthily, you don't want to get sick." I groaned in response "I got it mom" I said sarcastically.

"I'm serious, if you want to get rid of your baby fat, also known as chipmunk cheeks then you need to stop eating cake" I gave him a sly smile and I nearly tackled him.

"Says the one who still has his own chipmunk cheeks from eating so much Dango!" I was getting defensive, and so was he "Hey, don't bring my dango into this".

I groaned "then don't bring cake into this" we were head to head in our own world that we didn't even remember that Shisui was right beside us. He had an amused smile like he was watching a cliché comedy.

"Ya well, your hair is weird" both of us stopped even breathing when I said that. We both tried not to burst out laughing, and we were mostly failing.

"Ya, well your eyes are weird" Itachi joined, we both stifled a laugh while Shisui was on the floor not even trying. It was hilarious because we all had the same hair and eye colour.

I gasp dramatically "how dare you!" We both were snickering loudly "how dare I?! You're the one who said my hair is weird" Itachi matching my energy was the best thing I have ever seen.

"Well...Your mom." We all stopped laughing as the words I said sunk in, "" Itachi was confused but amused. "Ya! Your mom" I tried to appear confident but I was screaming inside. 'Naruto characters don't know your mom jokes!'

Itachi and Shisui started laughing. While laughing so hard Itachi managed to say "Your dad", and I immediately started laughing with them.

"Your grandma" I laughed out, "your great grandma" Shisui started coughing from laughing so much which made everyone laugh harder.

Itachi and I locked eyes immediately and we both knew. "Your clan!" We both said together.

I had to hold my stomach because it hurt so much. Itachi just threw his head back against my couch and Shishi was on the ground coughing.

It took a long while but we finally calmed down. "That was terrible," Itachi said, finally catching his breath. "I know" I was laying on the couch like I just lost all my energy, which I did. "But it was funny" Shisui was the last one to stop laughing.

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