Ch 52

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He then smirked and held the earth scroll out for me, "here, I won't need it." I looked at his hand in disgust. "I would rather you kill me then touch that." He chuckled, "you've seen worse." I gagged, "ya, you naked." 


Complete silence. 

"I may not be in my prime but don't you think you're exaggerating?" 

Hell nah! 

"No," I bluntly said. 

I took a cloth from my pocket and took the earth scroll. I passed it to my team, "hold this." 

They both looked horrified, and rightfully so. 

"The other sound team is going to attack Sasuke by morning, try to stay away for the time being." I frowned, "and why do I need to stay away?" Orochimaru chuckled, "I don't trust you'll stay seated." 

Damn right. 

"I see your point, but I know they'll win," I smirked. "I have full confidence in them." Orochimaru chuckled in amusement, "oh do you now? How sweet of you." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm. "You'll join me after all this, so be patient," Orochimaru then disappeared in the tree again. 

Why does he like doing that? 

I sighed and leisurely made my way to the ground, "let's set up camp." I sighed and laid down on the ground, too mentally exhausted to even bother with anything. 

I closed my eyes, enjoying the quiet and peace. This was my time to relax, this was my time to sleep. And that's what I did, I fell asleep. But sleep didn't come that easy. 

While I was tired, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of dread. It was like the very air itself was thick with anticipation, waiting for someone to step inside. I choose to mostly ignore it, for now that is. 

I finally fell asleep, a light sleep. I was still on enemy territory. I couldn't let my guard down, there was always something- 

I caught it. 

The Kunai. 

But I didn't catch it in time, it had cut my shoulder a little bit from between my fingers. I immediately opened my eyes to look around to see who threw it, but there was no one. 

I looked towards my team in confusion, only to see many more kunai heading my way. 

I jumped up and dodged them. 

But they knew I would do that. One of them went for a punch. Instead of just dodging it, I jumped up into a tree. 

"What the hell!" 

I glared down at them. They looked at each other before jumping up and attacking me again. I frowned and ran to them, taking out my war fans. They went for many punches, all of them with me jumping away from them. I won't make the same mistake twice. These sound ninja's are annoying. So very annoyingly annoying. 

"What are you doing? Why are you attacking me?" 

Did I piss them off? I wouldn't put it against them to be pissed off by me, but this is a little much. They went for another attack of kunai to which I dodged again. I took a few kunai and threw it at them, only for them to hit their mark. I stopped dead in my tracks. 


One of my kunai hit their hand.

 "Why didn't you dodge?" 

They ignored me and again, went to attack. I threw another kunai only for this one to hit their ankle. 

"What are you doing?" 

In my state of confusion, they managed to hit me. Not with a punch, but with sound. But thankfully enough, I was able to not get the full power of it. But that didn't mean it didn't hurt. My ears were ringing. They hurt a lot. And I couldn't hear. 

I activated my sharingan to make up for my lack of hearing. I was so confused about why they were attacking me. 

Why were they letting me hurt them? 

"What is happening?" 

They glared. 

"This is revenge, you made Orochimaru think less of us." I frowned, "this is because I beat you?" They didn't answer and attacked me again. But I just kept dodging. This doesn't explain why they are letting me hurt them. 

They are younger than me. 

They know I won't hurt them for no reason. 

They know... 

I won't hurt them... 

Those sons of bitches. 

They know I don't like to hurt people and they are using it against me. 


But they made a few mistakes with their judgment. 

I put survival above everything else. 

They know me as someone who doesn't like violence and who is soft hearted. I glared at them with disgust, but with respect. 

They are smart, but they didn't do any homework. I wasn't going to hold back just because of a little thing like that. 

This is what you get for defying me. 

I threw my kunai's aiming for every vital spot I could hit. It seemed like it went through their head that I wasn't playing around anymore, as they dodged my attack. 

But I didn't wait for them. I went behind the girl and immediately knocked her out. She won't be awake for a long time. 

I looked at the other one, "you done fucked up." 

I raised my eye mask, showing him my sharingan. He gasped in shock, then he fell to the ground. I put him in a genjutsu. He also won't be up for a while. 

I chuckled to myself. These weaklings could never make me fear for my life. The fact they tried to fight me again after I won against them the first time is funny.

A/n Sorry it's short again. I got 2 math tests on Monday, and from what I know, everyone who took it thinks it is the worst test ever. So I'm scared. Enjoy~

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