Ch 42

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I smirked as I faced the Sand siblings. 

They would be useful allies, but as things were going it would be hard. So for the moment, I was going to use fear. 

"We don't want to kill you, so just back down," I chuckled at the word. 


You think you can kill me? 

I smirked, "let's see what you got." I ran to them with my katanas, the sand siblings also did the same. I switched the way I held the katanas so that instead of the knife part cutting them, it would be the handle that would hit them instead. I don't want to kill them, I don't even want to hurt them. But I need to teach these kids a lesson. Temari was the first to try to hit me, we went to use her large fan to throw a wind jutsu at me but I knew that. I jumped over it before knocking the fan out of her grip. It was a narrow alley, not the place to use a large weapon. I then threw my katana at Kankuro, the end of the handle hit him on the head, knocking him to the ground. I threw my other katana, pinning him on the ground. "Don't. Move." I glared at him. I saw him flinch before I turned my attention back to Temari. Gaara hadn't moved, he just watched. "My dear Temari, I won't hurt you. So just stay down," she went to attack me again before I did it. 


"What is it you want to show me?" I asked Orochimaru as he led me to the middle of the training grounds. 

I'm a little concerned. 

"I just want to see your reaction," I was a few feet in front of him, curiously questioning everything. 

But then I felt it. 

The pressure... 

The cold chill... 

The obsession...

The bloodlust... 

The hatred... 

The overwhelming feeling of dread... 

It was Orochimaru's killing intent. 

My body reacted before I could even think. I jumped back to the edge of the room. But waiting for me there was a Kunai in my head. 

It pierced my skin. 

It was a vision of my death. 

I regained my concentration in a few seconds before backing away slowly. 

I was glad I kept my eye mask on because my sharingan activated in response to his killing intent. 

"...Not bad," Orochimaru stopped his bloodlust and I was finally able to relax. 

"Never. Do. That. Again." 

I was serious, the next time he decided to do something like this I was killing him. 

Orochimaru laughed and brushed me off. 

But I was dead serious. 

He would learn later how wrong he was for dismissing me. 


I did it. 

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