Ch 66

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Chills, literal chills.

To hear it in real time. But I still felt bad, Gaara's never been hurt before. And that chidori must have been-

I shake my head, turning that mindset off. I stood on guard, it's time soon.

Orochimaru didn't give me the specifics to the plan, as we both know I would probably betray him.

I will betray him.

Sasuke tried to get his arm out of Gaara's cocoon, but it didn't budge. He used chidori again and pushed his arm out. The thing that was making Sasuke's arm stay was a disfigured sand arm.


Sasuke held his arm as he stared into the hole he made, on guard and waiting. A loud nasty growl sent waves of dust everywhere. I frowned as I felt Shukaku's chakra grow and grow.

The cocoon started to crack before it dissolved into sand around Gaara, who was breathing heavily with an injury on his shoulder. He glared menacingly at Sasuke.

I flinched when I felt the genjutsu engulfed the arena.

I immediately made a sign, "release."

I saw everyone around me start to fall asleep, slowly slumping over. I smirked to myself, Orochimaru may have not told me anything about the plan.

But the anime is informative enough. It was a losing game for him.

But suddenly, a big explosion happened where the Hokage was. I frowned, I may not have liked the old man much, but he didn't deserve to die. But sadly-

I'm not going to think about it.

All the Anbu ran to where the Hokage was, as he was priority. The smokescreen worked. And soon, Orochimaru had a kunai to the Hokage's neck. Then they were surrounded by Orochimaru's men, soon to be caged in.

Orochimaru wanted a fight to the death, he thought it was going to be an easy fight.

He will soon be proven wrong, and I have no intention of stopping it.

The barrier was cast, there was no stopping them now. Fake Anbu joined Kabuto at the bottom of the stairs, a fight between Kakashi and Might Guy is going to happen.

I heard a loud bang happen a little ways away from where I was. Probably the summoning jutsu.

The sand siblings were all together in the arena where Sasuke was, their teacher also joined them. Gaara was holding his head in pain, he even dropped to his knees.

Gemma stood besides Sasuke, he knew the Sand village was a threat. Genma and the sand siblings teacher started fighting, letting Sasuke run to stop Gaara.

I looked back to the other fight. I can see Orochimaru and the Hokage from here, but it seemed like everyone just pieced all the pieces to the puzzle together.

But then, the fake Anbu started their attack, yet I just stood still. They didn't go after me, so at least that's good.

I glazed back again to see Orochimaru stabbing his own hand, shocking everyone. I frowned as I rubbed my own hand, uncomfortable how easily Orochimaru hurt himself.

You're not going to be able to do that for much longer.

Sakura then came over and released Naruto from his genjutsu. I smiled as I saw Pakkun with her. She then went to wake Shikamaru, only to find him faking being in a genjutsu. I snorted when Pakkun bit him, making Shikamaru scream.

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