Ch. 1 - We are ... Not Alone

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Frankie's POV

"Thank you all for voting me for best costume. I designed, painted, and installed the lights myself.

"Frankie move out of the way."

Next thing I know I am tackled out of the way. I look up and there is a puddle of water, where I was standing. If I that water hit me I would have short circuited. Everyone would know I was a robot. I look up and it was Andrew LaPierre who saved me.

"Andrew LaPierre you saved me."

All of a sudden he gets up and run away. I run after him, and he bending down behind a box.

"Frankie, that water almost hit you. If it did everyone would know the truth."

"I know Dayton Reyes. If it was not for Andrew LaPierre, I would be malfunctioning."

He stands up, and is holding his wrist. "Are you hurt Andrew LaPierre?" He shows me his wrist, and it is full of wires. He is an android, like me. Is this what the emotion of surprise feels like? I thought I was the only android in the world. But I am not even the only android in this school.

"You are an android," says Dayton.

"Yes I am, just like you Frankie. Please do not tell your mom. I will be put into danger."

All of a sudden Cole Reyes runs inside.

"Guys what happened." Andrew runs away.

"Andrew saved Frankie from getting hit by a bucket of water. Someone just tried to pull a Carrie on Frankie. And we all know it was Tammy."

"I do not think it was Tammy Gilroy. Anyone could have won. "

"Or maybe it was Andrew. He saved because he felt guilt, if he let it happen."

"It was not Andrew LaPierre. He saved me." I have to talk to him. I have so many questions. Who built him and why?

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)Where stories live. Discover now