Ch. 13 - We are ... Setting a Trap

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Frankie walks home alone telling Dayton Reyes, that she was spending some time with her family. She gets home, and goes into Ms. Hough school files. She looks into Tammy's files, labeled under her full name Tamara and turns out she was suspended for a week. And Ms. Hough referred to her parents that Tammy sees a therapist about her delusions, and drug addiction.

She goes online, and goes into Sigourney FriendBook account. She goes to Dr. Peters' page, and sees what he likes. Most his post are ramblings about how smart he is. Frankie does not know Sigourney has not realized that her work has been stolen by him. She goes into his favorites. He loves Pizza. His celebrity crush is Cynthia Hearst from the band Robot Rulez. His favorite band is Robot Rulez, and they made his favorite song. Frankie notices that Robot Rulez is a common thread along his page.

Next, she goes to the Robot Rulez tour site. The concert scheduled is Saturday in San Fernando Valley. The concert is not sold out. The normal tickets do not cost so much, since it is an underground band, and the concert is not a huge stadium. And there is more expensive package deal with backstage passes to meet the band members.

In seconds, she hacks the site, and gets one. She creates a fake email, and send it to Dr. Peters.' It says "Congratulations, You are the winner of a complete backstage pass to a Robot Rulez concert, complete with front row seats, and a meal with the band, and many other rewards. This is a pass is only explicable to the upcoming concert with in your town, it has no resale value." This will get him out the house Saturday night.

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