Ch. 46 - Fight or Flight, Part 2

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Frankie's POV

I believe everything he says. I run up to him, and hug him. "I love you dad. I will talk to Jenny, but I will not return home. I was only a part of your family for less than a year, but you cannot turn off your child, even if they lie, cheat or steal. And she did it twice." He looks up at me surprised.

"You knew that she turned you off?

"Yes I know, that she turned me off, after I got suspended. And that Jenny turned me off. Do you want to know what happened? Dr. James Peters was the one who broke into the school and destroyed everything. He planned to kidnap me and sell me to Warpa. He is wanted by every government organization for making weapons."

"I love you Frankie, but what are you going to do? Where are you living?"

"Excuse me." A hotel employee with snack came out of nowhere, and enters the green room. Will and Frankie stops talking.

"I have everything I need. I have a social security number, a birth certificate. I am leaving San Fernando Valley, but it is not just because of Sigourney. I am an Android. One day all three of you are going to die, hopefully of old age, and I will still be walking around. I do not want to just stay and watch. "

"Now that you say that. I understand Frankie. I hope that you will visit."

"I am not moving far. Only like 30 minutes away."

"I am staying to watch you in the finals."

They hug for one last time, and enters the green room. Frankie goes first, and as Will enters he is pushed in, and knocks into Frankie.

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