At the LaPierre, Peters' household, Dr. Peters hears a dang on his phone, and looks at it.
"More spam probably. "Congratulations, you are the winner of a complete backstage pass to a Robot Rulez concert, complete with front row seats, and a meal with the band, and many other rewards. This is a pass is only explicable to the upcoming concert with in your town, it has no resale value." He continues reading the email, seeing all the amenities that it comes with.
"Yes, someone finally is giving me gainful rewards. Andrew come here."
"Yes Da...Dr.Peters'"
"Saturday I will not be home, I am going to a convention, where I am being honored. I do not want you to leave the house or cause any trouble. Do you hear me?"
"Yes Dr. Peters."
Peters goes up stairs, singing the Robot Rulez top single, E=MC Rock.
"Andrew, This all part of my plan, just go with it."
"Whatever you say Frankie. Just do not hurt him please. He is my creator, without him I would not be hear."
"I promise you Andrew. I will not hurt him."
Back at the Gaines household, Frankie is done setting up the rest of her plans. She goes to her charging seat, and go into sleep mode.
Just one more day, and all my plans come to fruition.
Friday comes, and goes, the only thing noticeable, is that Tammy, and her friends are not there. And Ms. Hough announces that the culprits of the Carrie prank was found, and have been punished. And that the no dance ban has been lifted. Everyone notices who is missing, and who the culprits are. Turns out that Tammy, Lucia, and Makayla, have also been kicked off a brain squad. So there is two spots left open. And Tammy's replacement spot makes three. We put a signup sheet up, saying all are welcome. John Travis wants to meet Saturday, and I tell him we can meet in the morning, at the public library. This way I will not be lying to the Gaines Family.

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)
RomanceI thought I was one of kind. The first android in the world, but I am not. He knows what is like to not be human, but not what is it to be cared for. Until he revealed himself to me. I will free him. I am Frankie. He is Andrew, and we are androids...