Frankie's POV
After class, I use GOS to track down Tammy, to begin the next part of my plant. She is in the library waiting for Makayla and Lucia.
I open the sync, and tell Andrew, "Get Ms. Hough and bring her to the library in three minutes."
"What do you want Frankie."
"Hello, Tammy Gilroy, How are you you you you doing."
"What was that?"
"What was what what what?"
"It is like you were malfunctioning!"
"Haha. I like your jokes Tammy Gilroy. See you later." Any moment she will text Lucia and Makayla. And they will come to the library before Ms. Hough. As Frankie make her way out of the library, Lucia and Makayla are on their way. Two minutes late they arrive. Tammy runs out the library to meet them in the hallway
"Guys, you will not believe what just happened. Frankie was here and she was malfunctioning."
Makayla and Lucia rolls their eyes. Lucia says, "not this again Tammy. This is not funny anymore. I think you should get some help."
"Guys I am not joking. She was here and she malfunctioning like a robot. Only if our plan to hack the school voting system, to pour on that water on her had worked."
Makayla's eyes are full with worry while looking at Tammy. "Tammy, I hope this is not like last time. You just got help for the pills."
"I am not taking Adderall anymore. This is real." What Tammy and her friends did not know was that Ms. Hough was around the corner, and heard everything they said. She turns the corner, and Lucia and Makayla see her before Tammy does.
"You are right Ms. Gilroy. This is real, and all three of you are in real trouble. Come with me to my office."
Ms. Hough and Tammy, Lucia, and Makayla walk to the office and not too far from them is Andrew and Frankie.

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)
RomanceI thought I was one of kind. The first android in the world, but I am not. He knows what is like to not be human, but not what is it to be cared for. Until he revealed himself to me. I will free him. I am Frankie. He is Andrew, and we are androids...