Frankie's POV
Andrew LaPierre is right. He save my circuits. That water would have destroyed m and exposed me and my family. I have to repay him.
I look at a magazine in the mailbox and is has "Dr. James Peters" on it.
"This is Dr. James Peters' house. Is he Andrew's creator?"
"If he is, why would he not tell your mom?"
"I do not know. He does come to our house a lot to eat our food."
"We should tell you mom."
"I am programed not to lie, but I do not want Andrew LaPierre to get hurt. We will gather all the information, and then tell her. I will get Andrew LaPierre all alone."
"How do you plan to do that?"
"I won the free game of mini golf from the costume contest, I will ask him to go with me."
"Frankie, are you sure? I thought you would ask Cole."
"I am sure Dayton Reyes. It will not only be fun, it will be informative."
Dayton Reyes goes home and so do I. There, I send Andrew a text to meet, and that if he does not I will have to tell Sigourney Gaines that he is an android. He replies back to meet him at midnight outside the garage.
I will have to wait until the family is asleep. After dinner, everyone goes to their rooms. It is only 10:00. I have less than two hours before I have to leave. I put myself on my charger, and set an alarm for 11:50 pm.
At 11:50 my alarm goes off/I disconnect myself. I connect myself to the home security system, and turn it off for two minutes. I open my room window, and jump out. It will not take me long, since I can run up to 100 mph. At 11:55, I make it to the garage. And Andrew LaPierre is standing outside.
"Hello Andrew. I am glad you were able to meet me."
"Well. You threatened to tell your mom."
"That was only so I can help you. I am not trying to hurt you. You told me that you would be put in danger, by who. Is it Dr. Peters? I know he is your creator."
"How? Who told you?"
"I found out when Dayton Reyes and I followed you home. His name was on a magazine."
"He really is going to reprogram me now."
"Come with me Andrew. We will go to my mom, and she will protect you. We can find a way to disconnect you from his network."
"And what. She will just let me roam free. Let me be a part of the family...hold on wait."
Andrew LaPierre looks at me strangely. "You just called me Andrew."
"That is your name."
"And you did it earlier. I just cast it off, but no you call everyone by their first and last name. You always do. You never miss it."
"We have more important things to talk about Andrew LaPierre. Like how Dr. Peters stole my schematics."
"No. Do not try to change the subject. I have never seen you like this before. And you snuck out tonight. Who are you? Are you Eliza, Dr. Peters told me about you."
"I am Frankie Gaines. And who is Eliza. I have heard that name before."
"You want information, give information first."
"Ok Andrew, Here is the truth." And I tell him everything, his jaw drops.

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)
RomanceI thought I was one of kind. The first android in the world, but I am not. He knows what is like to not be human, but not what is it to be cared for. Until he revealed himself to me. I will free him. I am Frankie. He is Andrew, and we are androids...