Ch. 4 - We are Androids ... Hot on the Trail, Part 3

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Andrew's POV

I have managed to avoid Frankie and Dayton. I start to make my way back home. I am going to have to change swap one of my older files for the ones of Frankie watching me.

I finally make it home.

"Andrew LaPierre we found you." I turn around and Frankie and Dayton are behind me.

"How did you find out where I live?"

"We had Byron distract you, while we put a tracking device in your bag."

"Did you tell him that I am an android?"

"No we did not. He just helped us."

"You have to leave right now."

Dayton says," why? Maybe we should wait until your creator comes home?"

"That is not a good idea."

"Who is your creator, Andrew LaPierre?"

"I save you from exposure and malfunctioning and this is how you repay me. I definitely was wrong about you Frankie. Go home, the both of you!" I look at her, and then run into the house.

Frankie looks at a magazine in the mailbox and is has "Dr. James Peters" on it.

"This is Dr. James Peters' house."

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)Where stories live. Discover now