Ch. 39 - No Child Left Behind

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Friday comes, and Frankie goes to school, her last day at Sepulveda. She meets the Brain Squad in the meeting room.

Byron steps up, "Hello everyone welcome to this year's last Brain Squad meeting. The competition is tomorrow. Is everybody ready?" Caesar, Callie, Frankie, and John says yes.

Frankie says, "First I would like to thank you all so much for having me on the team, and voting me president. I want you to know that this so much fun, and it is sad to say, but I will not be returning to Brain Squad and Sepulveda next year." Byron and John looked sad and shocked at the same time.

"Is it because of the mean prank Tammy pulled," says John.

"That is part of it? I do not think that Sepulveda High is not for me anymore. I have found other schools that I could go to."

"We will miss you Frankie." John and Byron gets up and hugs her.

"So let us begin my last Brain Squad meeting." Then there is a knock at the door.

"Come in."

"Hello. Is this the Brain Squad club?"

"Yes it is. Who are you?"

"I am Mrs. Masterson. I am the new principal. I have been told that this is well I can find Frankie Gaines."

"I am Frankie."

"Can I see you in my office?"

"Yes. Brain Squad continue without me." She takes me to her office, with is Ms. Hough's old one.

"I heard that you were the one to submit the complaint against Ms. Hough."

"I was. She was an awful principal. She suspended Robby, and I without any proof. And she let Tammy and friends, bully everyone."

"I know, and she gone. I heard the horrible prank that those girls pulled on you. Under my supervision, no one has to worry about that happening again. I have heard a lot of stories, of the Tammy was allowed to do, because she was on the winning team Brain Squad. I plan to talk to all the students, before I decide is I will allow her to come back to Sepulveda. What do you think?"

"I do not care either way. I am leaving Sepulveda after the Brain Squad finals."

"I hope that it not because of Tammy."

"It partially is, but I want better things for myself, and I feel this not the place I can get them."

"I am so sorry for that. I was not even the principal, but I feel that I have failed you."

"It is not your fault. But, you are seem more competent then Ms. Hough ever was. I hope that the students will be able to prosper, and free under your tutelage. It was nice meeting you, Mrs. Masterson."

"It was nice meeting you Ms. Gaines. And one more thing. I heard you are friends with Andrew LaPierre, do you know where he is."

"I think there was a death in his family and he is moving as well."

Frankie returns to Brain Squad meeting.

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