Ch. 38 - We are ... Evolving.

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"A.L.I.B.A can you tell us what happened?"

"It seems that you are right. Your emotions and electric signals crossed, and somehow triggered an upgrade. When you were nervous, you felt an uneasiness, in your e-stomach. When you shocked, you felt a stop in your circuits. Now you can feel care for each other, and a tightness in your chest. Your bodies are becoming more human like."

All Frankie can do is smile and laugh. This is what she wanted. She knows that she is an android. That she is going to live forever. But, she just wants to blend in. To be able to move along the humans, and not be worried to be found out.

Andrew did not know what to think. He just knew that he liked Frankie, and this just added more of a connection between them.

"This is truly remarkable Andrew."

"I know." They hugged each other. He rubbed his hand against her face, and they kissed again. They once could feel the tightness in their chests, and the hearts on their interfaces beating. After a few seconds they separated. He walks her to her room.

"It is late, and we had a most exciting day. I will see you in the morning."

"Goodnight Frankie."

"Goodnight Andrew."

She goes into her room, just lays down. Her system was running hot. She turns herself to sleep mode.

Andrew returns to his room, and does the same.

Thursday comes, and they skip school.

"Have you decided, where we are moving too?"

"I do not know. There are so many options.. I know you want to perform, so there is Hollywood Arts in Los Angeles. There is Hiddenville High in Hiddenville and lastly Swellview High in Swellview. The last two of those cities have superheroes in them with powers."

"That sounds cool. We could fight crime." He does the superman pose.

Frankie laughs at this. "I could see you in spandex, with underwear over it."

"We could just stay until we figure out. Or just visit each of them."

"We should schedule tours to visit each, just to see."

Andrews says, "I will handle the flights, hotel stays, and get the tours. Meanwhile I have this show I have to show you." Andrews tells Frankie about this show called "Star Trek the Next Generation" a show with an android named Data on it. And she loves it. She realizes how close Data's existence is to theirs. 

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)Where stories live. Discover now