Billy's POV
I just exposed my secret powers to a human. When mom and dad finds out, I will be in so much trouble. They might just ship me away. I get home, in five seconds. And try to slyly walk inside.
"Leave me alone Max. I told you I have a date with Link, and I do not have time for you problems."
"Shut up Phoebe you fart knocker. I told you, just take the evil helmet back before President Kickbutt finds out we took it, and we walnut get our butts kicked."
"You took it Max."
"Yeah, but I used you superhero pin code." Hold on wait, I can use this to help solve my problem. I super speed, grab the helmet, and hide it.
Max and Phoebe both yell, "Billy what are you doing?"
"Using you problem to solve my problem. I may have exposed my power to two humans in Splatburger."
Phoebe yells "What. You are going to get us in so much trouble."
"Not if you help me. If you do, you get the helmet back. You do not, I take it straight to President Kickball, and get you both in trouble. Max in villain prison. Phoebe banned from being a superhero."
"Ok, we will help you. You are despicable. I am so proud of you."
"Can we move on? Let's go to Splatburger." We leave the house, and get to Splatburger, it is closed.
"They are gone! I am going to get in so much trouble."
"Tell us what happened Billy."
"I was got a late night craving, and did not have any money, so I came here. This couple was getting corndogs, so I used my powers to steal there corndogs. The third time, I try to do it the girl, grabbed my arm. It was like she has super strength, because I could not even yank myself away."
Phoebe: Maybe she has powers too. We will not have to worry about being exposed. We just have to wait to see if we meet her again.
We all leave and return home.

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)
RomanceI thought I was one of kind. The first android in the world, but I am not. He knows what is like to not be human, but not what is it to be cared for. Until he revealed himself to me. I will free him. I am Frankie. He is Andrew, and we are androids...