Ch. 6 - I am...Hanging Out With a Boy!, Part 2

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Andrew's POV

"After Sigourney took me home, she was afraid of me, turning into a weapon of destruction. I would hear and her dad talking about how i would have to be turned off, if I showed acts of defiance. When I got suspended, and lied about it, she thought I was going rogue, so she turned me off."

"Jenny Gaines was the one to turn me back on. I was going through my files, when I noticed hours missing. There could have been a few reason. Bug, virus, or I was switched off. I went through my commands, and found a switch off command, at the time when Sigourney was plugging me into bed."

"I thought I was part of the family, her daughter and she just turned me off. I broke into my commands, and deleted her command not to lie. I have been slowly making changes to my personality matrix, without trying to tip her off.

"If my jaw was not connected by titanium screws, it would be on the floor," says Andrew.

"Now it is your turn."

"Eliza is Sigourney's first android. Apparently something bad happened with her, and Sigourney tried to turn her off. Eliza went on a rampage and killed a room full of lab assistants. Sigourney, James and few others escaped with their lives. But they were both afraid of androids going on another rampage."

"And they all knew. Will Gaines, Sigourney Gaines, Dr. Peters, and Kingston all knew about Eliza," says Frankie.

"Frankie, you changed your personality matrix, what is your end goal. I do not have one. I do not want to hurt the Gaines family, and even through Sigourney turned me off, I still love her. I came here to try to get you to leave Dr. Edwards and come home with me. "

"I cannot Frankie."

"Why not. We are androids. You do not have to fear him. We can remove any programming, he puts in you."

"I was behind the Night of Rampage. I destroyed bob and put him in your locker. And Dr. Peters' wants to turn you into WARPA. Do you still want to save me?"

"Andrew LaPierre, I knew you were behind the night of Rampage. I am one of the world's biggest super computers. I put it together, the minute I found out who created you. And do not worry about WARPA, I have a plan for them. Humans come in all sizes, and colors. And sometimes they group off based on them. We are the only two androids. We have to stick together. I told Dayton Reyes, that I would ask you to mini golf with me. But instead, we are going to delete Dr. Peters' programing." She grabs my hands and wrap her hands in mine. I have always had a crush on Frankie. When I asked her to the dance, it was not because of Dr. Peters' but because I liked her.

"Ok Frankie, Let's do this."

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