Ch. 37 - We are... Having a First Date

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"Andrew, Eliza's facial transplant is done."

"When will you be home?"

"In about 20 minutes."


Frankie continues on the way to home. She walks inside. "Andrew, I am home."

She sees a trail of rose petals on the ground. She remembers something like this from romance movie Dayton made her watch. She follows them and they lead out the back door. She gets outside, and there are candles, everywhere. "Andrew where are you?"

"I am right here milady." She turns around and Andrew is dressed in a suit. "I know your system might be stressed out, after all this drama, so I put together this meal, for the two of us." He pulls out the chair, and she sits in it.

"This is amazing Andrew." He pours out juice, in two flutes.

"We cannot drink, but it completes the ambiance. For the first course, we will be eating a sliced pork salad with your choice of dressing. The second course is a sautéed lamb, with mushroom risotto. The final course is a chocolate lava cake, with vanilla bean ice cream." They sit down and eat and everything is delicious.

"Andrew LaPierre, I did not know that you could cook."

"I didn't, but I downloaded these recipes into my system, and now I can. Now that we are eating, on for the final part of tonight." He uses his interface to turns on music. He grabs Frankie's hand. "Frankie Gaines, may I have a dance?"

"Yes Andrew LaPierre, you may." She gets and they slow dance with each other. "Tonight was so beautiful. I enjoyed everything."

"You have done so much for me, I thought I could do something for you. And did this because I like you Frankie. And I want us to be together."

"I want that too." They look in each other's eyes. And their heads come closer. Their lips touch, and a literal spark goes off between them. It sends off an electric charge, that fries all the technology close to them.

"Andrew that was..." "Amazing," Andrews finishes. Then something starts happening to their systems causing their bodies to jerk. And they feel something in their chests. Then on their interfaces, a heart icon shows up.

"What just happened Frankie?" "I think we just got an upgrade and are one another step closer to being human.

We Are Androids (Frankie Gaines & Andrew LaPierre)Where stories live. Discover now