Chapter One: Where We Started

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God, I swear I'm going to get some form of frostbite from being out here. It's like, what, below freezing? So much for calling it the "Sunshine" state. I huffed out in annoyance, and I could see my breath amidst the cold air of winter. Even with multiple coats on, a scarf, and a knitted hat, nothing could've prevented me from the cold..

And from Redsen High's most notorious douchebag.

Cody Andrews.

"Aw, hey cutie. What's your cute ass doing out here trembling out in the cold?" He said, with a tone that could've sent shivers down anyone's back. Except for mine. I didn't bother to look up at him – I could already tell he had a stupid, mocking grin planted on his annoying face. Man, I hate jocks.

"You usually have a lot to say. What's the matter with you today?" I could hear his footsteps as he trudged through the piles of leaves on my driveway, and soon enough, his pair of shoes were situated right next to my rake. "Do you ever have anything better to do?" I grunted in annoyance. Raking the billions of leaves that accumulated on my driveway was hard enough, him paying me a visit just made things even more difficult.

"Yeah. You." God he's annoying! I bit my lip, fighting back a comment that I knew he'd have some wiseass reply to. "That shit usually makes you wanna slap me. Did your latest wet dream about me change your mind?" I felt him walk behind me as soon as I felt an increase in the temperature. I heard a shuffle before I felt the feeling of something weighted being rested atop my shoulders. It was his jacket. The feeling of his leather varsity jacket on top of mine arose a feeling of annoyance that finally made me retaliate, "Wet dream? All the dreams that I have with you in it are usually all nightmares."

It's always been like this. Ever since his best friend, Blake Brooks, captain of the football team or whatever, started to date my best friend, Theo, he's been all up in my business nonstop. He probably has some sick fantasy of the four of us going on double dates or something – but that's something that will NEVER happen.

"I'm just honored that you're even dreaming about me in the first place, sweetheart." I shrugged his varsity jacket off my shoulders, and didn't bother to pick it up once it fell to the ground. "Someone's grouchy today." He jeered, while bending over to pick up his fallen jacket. "It's only because you're here." I hate his stupid face, stupid voice, and everything about him.

Are there even any words to describe him? At all? I can think of a few: ass, douche, jerk, slut, dumbass– "Well, if that's what you really want, then I'll be on my way, princess. Just know that you'll be seeing me around more often." My eyes finally diverted away from the rake, and to his face. He wore his varsity jacket, like usual, another thing he wore was his prideful smirk. I can tell when someone's going to be a total jackass whenever I see those three words embedded onto their jacket.

And his face! It annoys the hell out of me! I can't even recall the amount of times that I saw it and wanted to puke right then and there. Well, I will admit.. He's not bad-looking, but it's just the fact that that face is used to say so much bullshit is what makes me hate it so much. I think I'd like him a lot better if he just always kept his mouth shut.

Because, well.. He wasn't all that unattractive. Sure, his personality definitely was, but him? He's.. Above average at the most. I can hate a guy but still admire him right? Whatever. Mom's not gonna like it when she comes back out and sees that I still haven't raked the leaves.

"Fuck no! I hate him!" I stared at my best friend through my phone, with knitted eyebrows, and a look of pure disgust on my face. "Hate's a strong word.. Considering that you spent an entire hour talking to me about him." I could tell Theo had his stupid know-it-all grin on his face, even if I could only see the top half of his head through our facetime call. "Well– Well– Talking to you about how much I hate him!"

I sighed out in annoyance at my best friend's stupidity. I never liked Cody and I never will! Not after what he did to Theo, and not after his countless failed attempts at flirting. He was just so goddamn annoying! The way he thought he could get with me by acting like a complete jerk made things even worse. Someone needed to show him that you can't always get things to be your way, and that person would be me. I'll show him that not everyone's going to fall victim to his quote, unquote, "irresistible charm".

"Plus, Theo, it doesn't really make sense to me why you're advocating for the guy– I mean, he beat you up! For being gay! Now he's acting gay! Everything about him just makes no sense." Theo went silent for a couple of seconds before responding, "I'm not backing him up.. I'm just saying that you sure are talking about him a lot for someone who hates him."

"I'm only talking about him because I hate him." I rolled over on my bed, and threw my phone to the side, sighing. "I'm not saying I don't hate him – trust me, Eric, I do too. Considering he gave me several bruises and a bad blackeye that day." Shuffling was audible through the phone, followed by a loud sigh. Theo continued, "You're right, Eric. He is a horrible person. But it just doesn't make.. Sense! One minute he's beating me up for supposedly turning his best friend gay, and then he sees you, and all of a sudden he has hearts in his eyes?"

It all seemed to come flooding back into my mind. It was around seven pm, and I was freezing my ass off in the middle of a bunch of people whom I didn't even know. I remember looking over to the entrance to the school to see whether or not Theo had come out yet, and then seeing him, just.. Standing there. By the door. With the biggest bruise on his face that I've ever seen. It felt like the world was closing in on me. I never knew that he was being treated this way without me there for him. In a way, it felt like it'd been my fault.

Of course I didn't tell him that – I didn't want to make things about me, but deep down I had this feeling that I failed as a friend. Even with the eruption of noise from the crowd was drowned out by a static-like sensation in my ears, and even when they all stood up from their seats to jump up with joy, I forced my way through the crowd as fast as I could.

I lost sight of Theo as I walked through the stands that night, and when I finally got ahold of him, there was Blake. But I knew Blake, Theo's boyfriend, couldn't have done it.. Sure, he's an ass, but not to the extent where he would beat him up..! Then I looked to his right, and found the culprit. A brunette jock, with an expression that made him seem like he wasn't one to be dealt with.

The two were about to go at it, from what I can remember. Fists clenched at their sides, eyebrows furrowed. Blake, with a demeaning expression on his face, had raised his fist, as if he was ready to beat the shit out of Cody, and.. Well.. That's where I made the mistake of butting in. I still don't believe that I stopped an entire argument between two jocks just by.. Being there.

I'm not even kidding, I swear Cody's face softened as soon as he saw me. But you know what? That still doesn't change the fact that he beat my best friend up. And that, on top of many, many other reasons why, is why I will never, ever, be going out with Cody Andrews.

He is such an ass!

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