Chapter Two: Detour

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Mr. Wilburn is probably the bane of my existence. Second to Cody Andrews, of course. It's a Friday, and yet he still manages to give us an entire essay that will take up my weekend. And don't even get me started on the jocks. But hey, at least being at Harbor beats being at Redsen. I mean, yeah, if I went to Redsen, I'd have Theo, but even if I had him, he'd have his boyfriend. Ugh. And his boyfriend's friends. Including..

Nope. Not thinking about him. Not for today at least. He doesn't deserve to be on my mind. My gaze diverted from the ground, and to the racks where my bicycle was supposed to be. After my car incident, they've still been fixing it up at the body shop. Seriously, how long was this going to take? It's been so damn cold outside lately, and having to ride a bike to and from school everyday just sucks.

What. The. Fuck

No, you're kidding me. You are fucking kidding. My mouth sat agape, and I was glued to the cement of the parking lot. In front of me stood my bike, with visible slashes on the tires. Shit, how the hell was I supposed to get home now? Someone slashed my tires! On my already crappy bike! Great, just.. Great.

I stood there, dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. It was freezing outside, and I could barely walk without my teeth clambering. Fuck this! What was I supposed to do? Walk home? Take the bus? I only had those two options.. Until I remembered that I didn't bring my wallet today. So.. Off I go, I guess. 20 minutes in the freezing cold winter air. When I find out who did this–

"Hey, angel. Need a ride?" I stopped in my tracks, and looked over to find the owner of the raspy voice. Who was most likely also the culprit of my slashed tires. "I'd rather die." I jeered, continuing to walk, without bothering to give a second look at him. "Well you will if you continue to walk outside in this weather." Is he fucking joking right now? "Oh, well maybe I wouldn't have to if you didn't slash my fucking tires!"

"Who said I slashed your tires, sweetheart?" He said, with a small chuckle at the end. He was the last person I wanted to see today. I huffed out in pure annoyance, and stopped to look at him, "Do you think I'm fucking stupid? Redsen's a whole town over, and you drove all the way here to Harbor to pick me up from school? It's so damn obvious you did that to my bike because you wanted me to come with you."

By the end of my sentence, I was already out of breath. My backpack weighed me down, I only had a thin sweater on, and on top of all of that, there was a huge jerk right in front of me taunting me! "Okay.. So what? I'll fix it if that's what you want. Don't get your panties in a twist." I can't believe he was doing this right now! In front of my entire school!

Students were coming out of school, and Cody and I were on the sidewalk right by it. I caught some confused stares from people I didn't know, and saw some wondering what a jock from Redsen was doing at Harbor High. It's not usual for Redsen kids to come to their rival highschool for no apparent reason besides from football games. "You're embarrassing me! Can you just.. Go home?" I whispered harshly.

"Embarrassing you? Sweetheart, I'm doing you a favor by even talking to you. Now get in." He motioned for me to sit down on the passenger side, but all I did was shove my hands into my pockets and continued to walk down the sidewalk. "No." I said, just loud enough for him to hear. I was tired of wasting my energy on him.

Suddenly, I heard his car come to an abrupt halt, and the slamming of his car door. Curious, I looked behind me, and saw him walking over to the bike rack. My eyebrows were furrowed together, wondering what he was up to now. He ripped my bike from the rack, and carried it using one hand. "There. Now get in." He walked back to his car, and opened the trunk, and threw my bike in carelessly with a thud.

"No thanks–" Without warning, I was thrown over his shoulder, with his hand on my thighs. "Cody! Can you fucking stop?! Let me down!" I shouted, hitting his back with my fists, but to no avail. Please, please, don't tell me he's going to beat me up in his car the same way he beat up Theo in the restroom. Okay, maybe that wasn't the best joke to make– No! I should be screaming right now, not thinking!

"Someone help me! He's trying to kidnap me! Help!" I continued pounding onto his back, until I heard the opening of his car door. I looked up from his shoulder and saw some passerbys staring in shock. Didn't we have a lesson about not being a bystander when someone's being bullied? Why the fuck is no one helping me? God I hate this school!

I know Cody – I know what he's like. He's not going to take no for an answer, and was there really any use in arguing with him anyways? And, it's not like I'd tell him, but.. I actually really liked the warmth of his car. It felt.. Nice. Especially since I was standing out in the cold for a while. I sighed, and rolled my eyes, once I saw him getting into the car. He looked over at me with a devilish grin, "That was fun. Where to now, princess?"

'Ugh!" I kicked at his door with my feet in annoyance. "Just.. Take me home. Without protest, Cody shrugged and started driving. "Alright, tell me where, cutie." The pet names, God, I hated his pet names! I hated when he called me 'princess' or 'cutie', like, come on, who does that? There was no point in causing more trouble for myself, he was driving me home after all, or at least I hope he was. "I'll tell you where but when I do, you drive me straight home. Don't be a fucking smartass and take some detour."

"Your wish is my command, princess." He made a bowing gesture with his free hand, with his eyes still on the road. Not to mention, he also had a winning smirk planted on his annoying face. It made me mad just looking at it. The veins on his arms were visible as he gripped onto his steering wheel. Whatever. I'll just ignore him until we get back home.

Man, he sure is a jerk. An annoying one too. Did I mention he's a jerk? Well, he is. I just hate the way he's always seen with that dumb varsity jacket. As soon as I see it, I just think of him, and I hate that. And his hair's stupid too. His brown hair is always slicked back, but even with all of the styling he can get, he'll still never attract me. And did I forget to mention his–

Wait – this isn't the way to my house..? There's.. Palm trees..? And.. skyscrapers? This isn't the way to my suburban neighborhood. I could walk to my house blindfolded, and I knew that he wasn't going the right way. "This isn't the way to my house.." I looked over at him, and saw his mouth tugging into a smile at my comment. Why's he laughing? There's nothing to laugh about!

"Don't worry, Eric. We're just.. Taking a different route, that's all." Oh hell no, there was only one way to my house, and he just passed it a minute ago. How stupid can I be to trust him? He did beat up Theo after all! Gosh, I'm so dead! "Different route? A different fucking route–" I face palmed, and grunted out in irritation before continuing, "There's only one way to my house, and you, out of all people, would know that. You can stop the car here. I'm just gonna walk home." 

All of a sudden, he pushed his feet on the pedal even harder, forcing the car to rev up in speed. "Are you crazy? Cody, stop the fucking car right now. Let me out of here!" I yelled, eyebrows knitted in panic. I nearly slammed into the car door as he made a sharp turn into a street with unfamiliar buildings. "Aw, why? The fun's just getting started, DuGray." I would be lying if I said I wasn't shaking in my shoes right now.

I knew he would pull some shit like this, where he wouldn't take no for an answer. Closing my eyes, I felt myself jolt to the left while clutching my seat belt, and suddenly we came to a complete stop. I'd be damned if the reckless driver of a jock didn't just crash into something. "What is this, a fucking roller coaster? Open your eyes, Eric." He lightly punched me in the arm and I could hear the click of his buckle. 

 A cheery round of laughter made me feel safe enough to flick open my eyes. It belonged to a group of students sitting in front of a... Cafe? "Hey!" I jumped in my seat when Cody started pounding on the window for me to get out. I didn't realize that he'd already gotten out of the car. I flung open the door and slammed it hard to make sure he knew I was mad. "Woah, what's with the attitude, princess? I drove you here and this is what I get?"

He was driving me crazy! "What the hell are we doing here? I told you to take me home!" Cody croaked a small chuckle and I could tell that I garnered a few stares from passerbys. "You think this is funny? I am never—"

"Shh, shh, shh, shh," he squeezed my shoulder and dragged me toward the cafe like I was a toddler who didn't want to go to daycare. "Don't be a bitch, Eric, I just wanna hang out with you." My anger turned to shock; isn't he messing with me? "Besides," he exhaled, "Just see this as a chance for us to get to know each other better." Oh I knew him alright, I knew that he was a self-centered, annoying, bi–

"Let me show you two to your table." I looked away from Cody to see a woman wearing an apron, with her hair tied into a neat bun. "You know what? Fine. One drink. One." I stated, elbowing him to make sure he got the message. He chuckled in response, and we made our way to our booth, following the server.

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