Chapter Nine: Crossed Alliances

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What was I expecting, I thought to myself, as I sighed and took a bite out of a lazily cut slice of pizza. Same old Thursday lunch... I didn't really mind it that much, food is food, right? Besides, I needed to eat something, literally anything, after a slow, excruciating day of school. Not to mention, it's still not over. I struggled to open a bag of grapes when I heard a stampede of footsteps behind me. Two heavy hands gripped my shoulders and shook me around playfully.

"What's goin' on kiddo?" One of my brother's jockey footballer friends, Declan, grinned at me from ear to ear. A few of Miles's other friends crowded around me. If you didn't know that we were cool with each other, I bet anyone else would've thought I was about to get beat up. I've known them since I first came to Harbor as a freshmen, and they were sophomores, and they're your average jocks.. Except for the fact that I'm the only gay kid that they don't harass, since I am their captain's little brother after all.

They treat me like their little brother, waving to me in the halls, occasionally asking if I wanted to go places with them. Being okay with them made me feel like I had a source of protection, and that's sort of what gave me immunity at Harbor High. "No'ing muh," I said in between chews. "Aw, don't lie to us, Eric. Miles told us how one of the kings of Redsen High dropped you off at twelve in the morning." Max said, putting emphasis on the word 'twelve'.

"King? Doesn't ring a bell." I pretended not to know who it was; I'm not so sure he's deserving of a title like "king". Another one of Miles's friends chuckled. "Don't play dumb with us. We know that Cody Andrews drove you home. What were you even doing with him at that time?" His suggestive questions caused the rest of the jocks to mutter in collective agreement. "I was just hanging out at Theo Wright's house, y'know, the one who transferred to Redsen High, and he happened to be there. I promise you, he's a friend of Theo's, nothing more to me."

Declan snorted. "No one asked you if he was anything more to you, but we believe you.." Ugh, I should've kept my response short. He ruffled up my hair and backed away with a mischievous smirk. "'Kay, kid. That's all we wanted to know. See ya."

 I am so going to kill Miles.

"Ow— Calm the fuck down!" Miles shielded himself from my backpack that I used to hit him with using his arms. "I'll stop when you tell me why the fuck you told your friends that Cody dropped me off at home!" I struggled to lift my backpack back up to hit him again and realized that he had gotten a hold of it. "Okay, okay! Fucking bitch..." I heard him mumble the last sentence, and punched him in the arm. "Do you want me to tell you or not?" Miles demanded, holding his arm.

I slumped back into the passenger seat and crossed my arms. "Fine. Fucking bitch..." I said, mocking him. My brother rolled his eyes and started driving. "You wanna know why I told my friends? It's 'cause I tell 'em everything. Is it such a big deal to you that they know?" I glared at him. "Yes." 

"Whatever. It's not like they're gonna do shit to you." He was right. They know Miles and they know not to mess with his little brother. "Oh shit, I almost forgot. I'm supposed to go to In-N-Out." Miles made a U-turn and it made me nauseous on top of his already-shit driving. "I didn't know you were this fat." He narrowed his eyes. "I'm not fat. Just look at my gains." He flexed his arm and shoved it right in front of my face

"Shut up. I'm going to meet my friends there to eat and hang out, do you wanna come?" I didn't have anything better to do, and he was already driving towards the restaurant, so I rolled my eyes and nodded. We walked into the red and white In-N-Out building and saw the Harbor footballers all standing in the middle of the restaurant. "There's the life of the party!" Declan shouts and waves us over.

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