Chapter Eight: A Ride Home

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"You know, it would've been real nice if you'd decided to stay. I would love to see your pretty face as soon as I wake up." He said, one hand on the steering wheel, with the other on his thigh. "Keep dreaming." I muttered, with my head resting against the cold window. "I've been dreaming. So.. What d'ya say? Wanna help me turn these dreams into reality?" Suddenly, I felt a hand creep up my thigh. Now he's seriously disrespecting my boundaries! "Cody!" I swatted his hand off my thigh, and gave him a look of disgust.

"Can't say I didn't try." He chuckled, looking over at me for a split second. My eyes diverted back to the scenery outside his window, and I began to become consumed in my own train of thought. "How'd you know I was outside?" I turned back to face him, waiting for his response. "How could I not? You were being loud as fuck." Cody said, grinning. "I wasn't even that loud!"

His eyes were still kept on the road, and said, "Oh, I know. There'll be times when you'll be even louder in the future." His lips curved up into a smirk, and I looked at him, mouth agape, "Don't you ever get tired of acting like a horny asshole?" I said, astonished. "Nope. I can never be tired when it comes to you." His grin never faltered, even though he wasn't looking at me.

How was I supposed to respond to all his quips and flirtatious comments? I've never been interested in anyone, so I've never needed to talk to anyone. It felt.. Weird. I mean, ever since Theo moved to Redsen High, leaving me all alone at Harbor High, I've just kind of been keeping to myself, not talking as much. I guess I have some friends at Harbor, but none of them were like Theo. "You good? You zoned out for a second."

"Huh? Yeah." I said, nonchalantly. "So.. How would you feel if I took a turn and we somehow randomly appeared at my house?" He joked, waiting for my reaction. "I swear, Cody, if you pull some shit like that–" All of a sudden, he bursted into laughter, "Jeez, Eric. Calm down. It's just a joke." I crossed my arms and continued to look out his car window. "Thought jokes were supposed to be funny, not life-threatening."

Cody chuckled slightly at my comment, before asking, "So.. How's Harbor High? Are the jocks there ready to get their asses kicked by me this season?" I'd have to admit, I let out a small laugh, "More like the other way around." My gaze averted to him, but he was still looking directly at the road. "Oh really?" He mocked. "You should see them when they train. I bet they could stomp your entire team to the curb." I jeered.

"Wow, harsh. I was sort of expecting you to show up fully decked out in Redsen High merch with my name all over it. That'd be kinda' hot, y'know.. Seeing my name on the back of your shirt." There he goes, ruining everything by talking with that dick of his. "Gross, like I'd ever stoop that low.." I muttered. "No, but seriously though.."

His car stopped at a red light at an intersection, and he took this as an opportunity to look at me, his gaze catching me by surprise. "It'd be cool if you could come." For a split second, there was a hint of genuinity in his voice, hiding behind that facade of his. It made me think about it for a moment. "It'd be 'cool'?" I mocked, slightly laughing at his use of words. "Yeah. Awesome, even."

For the first time, I smiled a little. "Wow. We're using big boy words like awesome now, aren't we?" I joked. He just sat in silence, the smile on his face speaking for him. "You know what.. I'll.. I'll think about it." Nervously, I looked down at my lap. I must be out of my fucking mind.. Why am I giving him false hope? I don't even know if I wanna see him again after today, and here I am, telling him that I'd "think about it". 

"Fuck, really?!" Cody said, excitement visible in his tone. "I.. I said I'd think about it, not that I'd go–" He cut me off, and said, "You're so sweet, Eric. God, I don't deserve you." The light turned green, but a big smile was still present on his face. "I didn't even say yes, and you're already jumping with joy." I said, rolling my eyes. "Doesn't matter, at least you didn't say no." I could feel my lips subconsciously curving up into a small smile.

What the fuck was he doing to me.

"You sure you don't wanna jump back in and come home with me, sweetheart?" Cody said, his arm hanging from his open car window. I was standing on the sidewalk, freezing my ass off. "I'm good, thanks." I said, rolling my eyes at his remark. "Well the offer's always available if you're ever up for it." Even under the bad lighting of the street lamp, I could see him winking at me. "Ew! Just go home. It's already twelve."

His mouth curved into a smile, and I watched as his eyes roamed up and down my body, "Well, I'll see you Friday then." I crossed my arms across my chest, and said, "I didn't even say yes, I said I'd think–" And just like that, he drove off, not even letting me finish the rest of my sentence. Sighing, I walked up the steps, and to my front-door.

Fuck, speaking of which.. I looked over to the garage, and saw my parents' cars parked neatly. I am so getting grounded. I should've thought this through, shit! I fished out my house keys from my pants, and tried to open my front door as quietly as I could, without making noise, or alerting my security camera.

Once I'd made it up to my room successfully, I slid my back against my door, and sat with my knees propped up to my chest, in my dimly-light bedroom. Shit, why'd I say that.. Why'd I do that.. Fuck, why am I even thinking about him? My hand made its way to my face, and I slapped myself lightly. Eric, he just drove you home, that's it. Sure, maybe he made you laugh once or twice, but that doesn't make up for anything he did! So, stop!

I have to remind myself that he's just some cocky jock, trying to get into my pants. He.. He doesn't really like me, does he? Of course he doesn't.. God, get it together Eric, get out of your school clothes, and just get ready for bed. Exhausted, I stood up from my spot on the floor, and began to walk to my bathroom. Just as I was about to open the door, I heard a loud notification coming from my phone.

I fished it out of my pocket, and squinted my eyes to read the words that were displayed on the screen. "Wish u were here. Can't sleep without u" I thought after dropping me off, that he'd leave me alone for the rest of the night. Guess not. I stood there, staring at my screen, debating whether or not I should reply. Well, he did drive me home. He drove from Redcliff to Harbor, and back to Redcliff again.. And still managed to stay awake to send me a text. Sighing, I hastily replied, "Yes u can. Now stop msging me!"

Without thinking, I threw my phone onto my bed, and made my way to my bathroom across the hallway. I turned around to close my door, but when I turned back around, I saw my brother standing at the end of the hallway. "Fuck! You scared me!" My brother had a chocolate bar in his hands, and his hair was sticking up in all sorts of places. "Quiet! Mom and dad's gonna hear us." He walked over to me, stumbling in his steps, almost as if he was in a trance of being half awake and half asleep.

"What do you want? I'm just gonna go take a quick shower." I muttered, annoyed. "What I want is to know who the fuck dropped you off." He leaned against the wall, and bit a piece of chocolate off from the bar. "None of your business, Miles." I said, rolling my eyes. "It is my fucking business when that car that dropped you off belongs to a quarterback from Redsen High, idiot." He said, knitting his eyebrows in confusion.

"What's it to you, Miles?" I waited for him to chew the last bits of his chocolate, before responding to my question, "What's it to me? Jeez, you're dumb," He flicked my forehead out of nowhere, "Ow!" His expression morphed into one that was more serious than before, and he shoved the candy wrapped into his pocket, "I'm the captain, stupid." He said. "Captain Underpants?" I mocked.

"No, captain of Harbor's football team." He reverted back to his original question, "So are you gonna tell me why some bitch from Redsen's football team dropped you off?" He said, his tone becoming more aggressive with every word. "Hmm.." I pretended to think about it, looking up at the ceiling, with my pointer finger to my head, "Nope." And with that, I sped away into the bathroom, slamming the door on his face.

Afterall, how was I supposed to fucking explain to him why Cody Andrews, Redsen's quarterback, dropped me off at my house at twelve in the morning?

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