Chapter Twelve: The Bargain

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My ears seemed to drown out the loud, obnoxious voices of my classmates, and the only thing that I could hear was the sound of the clock ticking. With each passing second, it meant that I would be getting closer to seven pm. I tapped my pencil against my desk, leaned back, and zoned out, not even paying attention to what Mr. Turner had to say. Fuck, who would be able to care about politics when there would be a big game tonight?

And hell, to make matters worse, it's the most important game of the season. No, fuck that, of the year.

Those assholes from Harbor really pissed me off, and I swear I can feel myself on the edge of breaking my goddamn pencil just thinking about them. 'Couple of losers who actually think they can win, how funny. I scoffed silently, while the rest of the class was busy taking notes. The last minute before the final bell rang had my heart beating out of my chest.

Finally, the bell rang. The sound of the bell ringing had never sounded this melodic before. I raced out of class with one thing on my mind – the game. With my backpack slung over one shoulder, I pushed past multiple people to get to my car. I only had an hour before practice, and I knew just what I wanted to do with that hour.

Those bitches at Harbor won't see what's comin' for 'em. Especially that dumbass, Miles DuGray. Picturing the look on his face when he realizes what I did would really add the perfect ending to my day – that is, after I take multiple photos with our new trophy. "Yo, Andrews, where you goin'?" Vance yelled from behind, struggling to catch up with me. I could hear him call out for me several times, but I was too immersed in my plan for the day to reply.

"Cody, slow down, what the fuck are you running for?!" I didn't bother to reply, and I continued to walk over to my car, with a devilish grin on my face. With a solid destination in mind, I started up my car, and backed out of the parking lot. I gotta' admit, I do feel bad for leaving my teammates in the dust, but I'd see them in an hour anyways. What was most important to me right now was going all the way across town, and back, before the team meeting in an hour.

I had nothing else on my mind but him – the ginger-haired, blue-eyed boy, who I knew was going to add on to my victory tonight. As I drove, I imagined Miles, eyes open wide and mouth agape at the sight of his own brother, sitting on the enemies' bleachers. I knew what I wanted, and I knew exactly how to get it.

"Hey gorgeous." The words came out of my mouth almost instantly as Eric had opened his door. His hair was rumpled, giving the appearance of someone who just woke up, and he was staring at me in annoyance through his tired, half-lidded eyes. Through his pouty lips, he lazily said, "Fuck off." Followed by an attempt to shut the door in my face. Who does this kid think he is? Anyone would've died for me to show up at their door.

I immediately put a foot down to stop the door from closing, muttering a quiet, 'ow' as soon as the door had come in contact with my foot. Eric seemed cold and tough on the outside, but I knew he was just like Theo on the inside; afraid. "Oh come on, you promised." I said, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Promised what?" Before I could respond, it seemed as if Eric had suddenly remembered, "Oh. No. No, and no."

A chuckle escaped my lips at his response, and I looked at him up and down, "Come on, princess. I drove all the way down here to drive you to the game." I could see Eric crossing his arms through the small sliver of the door crack, "So?" He responded curtly, looking at me dead in the eyes with no care in the world. My expression changed, "The fuck you mean, 'so'? I drove thirty minutes just to pick you up even though I have practice in an hour." I argued.

"I didn't ask you to pick me up! If you're late to your stupid practice, that's your fault." Eric had walls, and he wasn't going to let me in anytime soon. That was made apparent when he stared at me up and down, observing me in annoyance. Fuck, he was tougher than I thought he was. "C'mon it's just one game. I'm not even asking a lot from you–"

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