Chapter Thirteen: Rivalry Game

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Eric's Perspective

I stared at him – from the way his muscles reflexed, to the subtle movements of his stray strands of hair, to the way he would glance at me subtly, with a small smile. He looked different under the lighting of the sun. Almost.. Normal. Maybe it was because he was too far away to make another perverted remark, or maybe it was because, for the first time, I was getting to look at him without having to grimace at everything he said.

I could see him tossing his arm over his team mate's shoulder, laughing and joking with all of them, before he got back to his routined drills. If I really had to be honest with you, he.. Was my type. But because of that annoying mouth of his, it made it really hard for me to even want to be near him. In a quick instant, he sprinted over to me. He sat next to me, and the bleachers creaked.

"Hey princess, feeling lonely without me by your side?" I scoffed loudly, and scooted away from him, "You wish." I jeered. He chuckled, and he ran his fingers through his hair, slicking it back more than it already was. I could see beads of sweat dripping from the side of his head, making his hair glisten. I ripped my gaze away: I wasn't supposed to be staring at some jerk-face like him!

"So? Did you see me out there on the field? You gotta' admit, I'm pretty cool." I took a quick glance in his direction, just so I could show him the look of disgust on my face. Who does he think he is? His ego is almost as high as his height, and that's really saying something. "As if." I answered curtly, not bothering to give him my attention.

He chuckled and said, "If I hadn't known any better, I would've thought that you were admiring me earlier." Shit, was it really that obvious? I mean, no, it wasn't, because I would never admire some jerk like him, no matter how attractive said jerk was. "Gross, no, no, no, you need to get some glasses because there's no way in hell I'd ever admire you."

All he did was stare at me with a slight grin on his face, as if my insulting comment failed to hurt him, "Whatever you say, DuGray." I rolled my eyes at his nonchalant response, and played with the sleeves of my hoodie. He seemed to have found that amusing, and he moved closer to me. "Your face doesn't quite match your personality."

"What's that even supposed to mean?!" I stared at him with my eyebrows furrowed. He chuckled, like he always does, and looked at me up and down, "I just mean.. You got this look to you that's.. Fuck, I dunno.." He stopped, trying to find the right word, with a small grin on his face, ".. Angelic?" He paused for a bit and scratched the back of his head, and continued, smiling, "Like those big blue eyes of yours, and those pretty lips that always spit out words that aren't as pretty," He chuckled and continued.

 "And it's just everything about you.."

I know Cody Andrews. I knew him, from his jeering remarks, to the way he spat out flirtatious comments that had no depth to them, but I never really, knew, Cody Andrews. This just proved that. I didn't know that he was capable of even being anywhere near genuine. I was at a loss for words, looking anywhere but at him, and I opened my mouth to speak, with a slight flush on my face, "I–"

"Andrews! Get your ass back on the field and quit talkin' to your little boyfriend!" I heard Cody get up, and laugh, as he said something back to his coach in compliance. I sat there, alone, and dumbstruck, with my mouth hanging open slightly. The flush on my cheeks didn't disappear, not even after I saw Cody was back on the field.

I always thought he was some horny jerk, making comments about me for his own benefit, but for the first time, he had actually managed to make me speechless.. 

And for the first time, it wasn't in a bad way.

The sun had gone down, and the only source of light now under the dark night, were the lights that lined the football field. They shone on the bleachers on both sides, and onto the field, where I could see Cody ferociously playing against Harbor High. Number four. My eyes followed that jersey, no matter how fast it managed to run back and forth. My eyes didn't leave the red and black of his uniform, not even to glance at Harbor's players.

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