Chapter Four: Debrief

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Fucking Cody. Why did he need to slash my bike tires? He's lucky I didn't slash his car tires, or better yet, he's lucky I didn't key his Porsche! If I did I'd probably engrave 'fuck you' straight across it. I don't think I'm going too far, because of him I have to take the stupid bus to and from school! I miss spending my mornings going to school by myself and taking in the fresh air, not sitting on stuffy, public transportation with a bunch of people that I don't even like, when I just want to get some sleep.

I leaned my head against the window, exhausted from a long day of school. Naturally, I sat at the front of the bus to get as far away as possible from the loud group of kids who wouldn't shut up in the back of the bus. It's exam season, what do they have to be happy for anyway? This entire day had me fed up and I was definitely done with everyone once last period was over, Cody included.

I wouldn't be spending a good chunk of my morning waiting at a bus stop every week if it wasn't for him, and I desperately needed an outlet to express my anger. Just as I was contemplating whether or not I should treat myself to some ice cream, my savior sent me a text asking if I needed something from Target, and his name was Theo.

"I need you." I impulsively sent, not realizing how he'd interpret that, to which I got a spam of question marks in response. But he didn't get it, he was the only person I wasn't annoyed at, and I felt like paying him a visit.

"lmk what ur fav ice cream flavor is." Sent.

"Hello! Your gingerbread is in my way." Theo moved his yellow gingerbread figure past my blue one on the game board in front of us. "Man, I haven't played Candyland with you in years! I remember always beating you, Theo." I joked. A huge grin stretched across my face as I glanced down at my card with two purple squares on it. "Looks like I beat you once again!" I victoriously used my figure to knock his gingerbread over before moving my place to the end of the path.

Theo groaned in defeat and ate another spoonful of his vanilla ice cream. "Alright," he gulped, "Now that we played one round, tell me what's going on at school." He sounded like a dad having a sit-down talk with his son. I was messing around with the gingerbread men and sighed. "Where do I even begin.."

I immediately told Theo about how Cody was complicating my life more than it already was by leaving me no choice but to ride the bus and pestering me in and out of school. Theo was the only person who I could say this to, despite his boyfriend being best friends with the jock I was literally complaining about. It's not like me disliking him was a secret though. Oh, and of course I told him about the day we went to the cafe, or more like how I was forced there.

"Eric, do you hate him, or do you not, because it sounds like both and it's hurting my head. " Theo gave me a look of both concern and confusion at the same time. I know what I was saying didn't really make sense, but I also knew that hanging out with Cody once didn't mean that I liked him. "I don't! Like I said, he wouldn't bring me home the first time I asked and I ended up at a cafe." Theo's eyes grew wide at this new information.

"He what?! You can't just say that and not tell me more!" He leaned forward, eagerly awaiting further details from me with listening ears. "Well, we—"


"What the fuck?" I flinched at the muffled banging coming from outside. "Is someone trying to break in? Quick, call the cops!" I grabbed my phone and looked at Theo's calm expression. How could he be so relaxed when it sounded like there was a violent person out there?! "Put down your phone, Eric," He lowered my hands and walked towards the loud ruckus. What's wrong with him? Is he developing Stockholm Syndrome for the guy trying to rob his house?

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