Chapter Six: Hate Is a Strong Word

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"I don't get it! I seriously don't – why did we even have to invite him?! He's a total asshole, Blake, did you forget that he hit your boyfriend? And, said boyfriend, did you forget that he hit you?" I said, turning my angry glare away from Blake, and back to Theo, who stood silently in the corner, looking like he didn't know what to say. "Um.."

Blake sighed, annoyed, before coming to stand in between Theo and I. "Can you give the guy a break, Eric? That was ages ago–" I interrupted him furiously, replying with, "Ages ago? Blake, that was like, one month ago." I rolled my eyes, frustrated and exhausted, and face palmed. How could they seriously still be okay with this sick jerk? After everything he did, they still wanna be around him? Man, the only fucking time I'd ever want to be around him is during his funeral.

No, but even then, I'd probably spit on his grave.


I hate him! I hate him so, fucking, much–

The sound of a loud car pulling into the driveway snapped me out of my train of thought. Oh fuck. He was probably here already. Shit! "Guys, I think someone's trying to break in! Blake, you go board up the windows, Theo, go lock the back door–" Blake put a hand on my shoulder, and calmly said, "Oh come on, he's not that bad. And if he does try messing with you, I'll tell him off, 'kay? Jeez." Blake put his pinky finger to my face, to which I rolled my eyes before reciprocating the gesture. "Pinky promise?" I said, looking straight at him, "Yup, you have my word."

I just hope Blake wasn't lying. "Fine, but I can't promise I'll be all civil to him." Theo gave me a reassuring smile, before he walked to the front door and opened it slightly. Don't look at him, Eric, don't– "You miss me, Eric? I can see you lookin' at me." He had a stupid, triumphant grin on his face– wait, it's not like I'd know.. I wasn't even looking at him.. Yeah.

"Looking at you? Please, if I was looking at you, I'd be barfing by now." A gag left my mouth, to which Cody chuckled, "More like creaming your pants." Gross! I walked over to Blake, and shook his shoulders aggressively like a child tattle-tailing to their parents, "He's being a pervert, Blake! Do something!" I looked up at Blake with puppy-dog eyes, and pointed at Cody nastily.

Blake looked between the two of us confused, before finally thinking of a response, "Uh.. Fuck.. Off?" He was no use! So much for that promise of ours. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Theo opening the door even wider to let Cody in. Oh god, here he comes! I squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to shuffle away, but not before I felt a muscular pair of arms being wrapped around my waist, "Where do you think you're going, sweet thing?" I was feeling second-hand embarrassment already from his nickname.

"Ew! First of all, don't call me that, and second of all, get your hands off me!" I could smell his cologne, which was a clear indication of his close proximity. My attempts at ripping his arms off my waist was pointless, considering his grip on me kept me frozen in place like a statue. "Fuck you, let me go!" I was struggling to break free, when all of a sudden, Cody said the most disgusting thing ever, "If you keep moving around like that, I'm gonna get hard."

In an instant, I stopped moving, and stood completely still. That comment seemed to disturb all three of us, considering that Blake finally decided to butt in, "Okay, man, you can let go now." He patted Cody on the back, which finally made him let go of me. As soon as his grip loosened, I ran over to Theo. "See?" I began angrily, "This is exactly why I told you not to let him come over! He's just a big, perverted, jock!" I heard Cody chuckle from the kitchen, "You wanna know what else is big?"

I fucking hate him!

"You two are acting like.. Children." Theo said nervously, scared to even put his input on our conversation. "Yeah, he's right. Cody, keep your dick in your pants. And Eric–" Before he could continue, I interrupted him, furiously, "What did I even do?!" Blake ignored my question, and continued to speak, "And Eric," He restated, "Stop acting like a whiny bitch, got it?" My mouth was agape, ready to argue back, until Theo grabbed my arm gently, and whispered, "Let's not fight, okay..?" 

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