Chapter Seven: Defiant DuGray

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When was this going to end? I've watched Scream about a hundred times already, and it was getting boring. Somehow, Theo still managed to find it scary, even though it had more comedy in it than horror. I stared blankly at the television screen, shoving popcorn into my mouth with an empty expression. I was able to get away from Cody before we started the movie, but of course, that was after I threatened to kick him in the balls again.

To be fair, his commentary made the movie a tiny bit more interesting– Nope. His presence never makes anything more 'interesting'. Ugh, what's wrong with me these days? Slowly, I directed my gaze away from the television screen, and tried to discreetly look at him. Maybe he was asleep, I haven't heard from him in a while, or maybe he was on his phone–


He was looking right at me.

And upon catching me looking right at him, his mouth immediately curved upward into a subtle smirk. God, that's embarrassing! Now he probably thinks I have a crush on him or something. Yuck! I could feel heat rising up and into my face. I shouldn't have even bothered. I shrunk back into the couch, making sure he couldn't see me. Blake and Theo were in between us, so I used that as my opportunity to hide myself behind their side profiles.

Theo kept clinging onto Blake several times throughout the movie, frequently squealing due to the movie. Jeez, what a scaredy-cat. I bet Blake was enjoying this, watching Theo act all clingy. Must've been why he chose this movie. Me, on the other hand, could handle all things horror, and to be honest, this didn't even scare me one bit. I bet Cody wished it did, so I could jump into his arms, like what Theo's doing to Blake right now.

We were almost finished with the movie, and I could hear soft snores coming from my left. My eyes ripped away from the screen and turned to look at the culprits. Theo's head rested on Blake's shoulder, with Blake's arm around him, and the two were already dozing off. I can't blame them, being around Cody tires me out too. That reminds me– was Cody asleep as well?

I mean, Theo and Blake were, and it was already half past eleven. He's oughta be. Not wanting to repeat what happened earlier, I tried to make myself as discreet as possible, not wanting Cody to see that I was trying to look at him. To my surprise, he was also dead asleep, with his phone dead in his left hand, and his head resting against the couch, still in an up-right sitting position. For some reason, I didn't feel tired.. Might've been all that soda.

It'd be really weird to wake up in the same room as them– and I'm talking about Blake and Cody, two jocks who I barely knew. I thought about it for a moment, and looked outside his window. It was almost pitch-black outside except for your occasional street lamps, barely lighting the sidewalk with their fluorescent bulbs. Harbor's pretty far from Redcliff.. It's about half an hour to get to Theo's house, and because we live in such a small town, that's considered to be pretty far.

Hm.. How long would it take to bike home all the way back to Harbor? I looked up at the ceiling, pondering whether or not I should make the trip back. It was scary as shit outside, and not to mention, probably freezing. And.. I didn't even have my bike with me. But.. Theo has a bike. I'm sure he wouldn't mind me borrowing it– I mean, I've done it before. Shit.. Should I? Or should I risk having to wake up surrounded by jocks like Blake and Cody?

Fuck it, I'll just to it. I mean, it's a pretty safe town, right..? Whatever it takes to gaslight myself into thinking I'll make it back home alive, I guess. Carefully, I got up, not wanting to make a sound. It was dead quiet in Theo's house, and I swear you'd even be able to hear a pin drop. I picked up my phone from the coffee table, and hastily threw on my jacket. Tip-toeing, I made my way past the three pairs of legs. I did it, phew! A smile of triumph rose onto my face, boosting my confidence for the trip ahead of me.

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