Chapter Eleven: Jocks and a Nerd

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Blake groaned and crushed his beer can, thrusting it across the room towards my direction. "Woah!" I dodged his can right before it hit me. "Hey man, watch where you're throwing your shit!" Blake merely glanced over at me and smirked. "My bad." I rolled my eyes and took a good chug out of the beer that Blake stole from his dad for the rest of the football team and I. Cans were all over the place and the smell of Domino's filled his living room.

A loud applause and cheer came from my teammates beside me. "TOUCHDOWN!" The announcer on TV yelled. Excitement throughout the stadium followed shortly after the Chief's won. I put my head in my hands—Why didn't the 49ers win?! "Dude, I was rooting for the other team. Blake and I had a bet!" My best friend patted my back and pouted sarcastically. "Aw don't worry Cody, I'm sure you'll win the next bet." He extended his hand in front of my face and made a grabbing motion. "But right now I wanna know where my fifty bucks is." I fished around my jacket pocket for my betting money and slapped it onto his face. "Happy now?"

"The hell? You're so gonna pay for that man." Blake's eyes narrowed and he straightened out the dollar and shoved it into his jeans. "Hm, looks like I already did." I grinned. He playfully punched my shoulder and sat on the couch across from me. "Don't get smart with me, Cody." As he turned my back I stuck my tongue out at him. I should stop making bets with him. Somehow I never win and I was saving the money I just gave him for some new shoes.

"If only we could play like that." My teammate sighed as we all watched the Chiefs celebrating on Blake's TV. Blake scoffed. "We're not as good as the NFL, but at least we're better than Harbor's team." Vance groaned, "I don't even know why they try to act so tough, they're all pussies who can't play. They haven't beaten us in years!" All the guys agreed and laughed at the idea of Harbor's football team beating us. The mention of their team reminded me of my encounter with those assholes at the gas station. I downed the last sip of my beer and decided to add fuel to the fire.

"I saw those losers at the fucking gas station. They tried to fight me too." I scoffed at the thought and a whole crowd of angry rambling and questions came my way. Good to know they all care about me almost getting jumped, or more like me almost jumping the Harbor guys. "Who started it? I bet it was that bitch Miles, huh." Lucas grumbled. I gave a slight nod, remembering that Miles was Eric's brother. More importantly, I remembered his disappointment in me as he left.

"You good Cody? Did someone die or somethin'?" I met Lucas' eyes, who had a concerned look on his face. I hoped I didn't look as sad as he thought I was. Why the fuck would I be sad? I hate Eric! I told him I was fine, and the topic of Harbor was turning into our whole conversation. "I can't believe that happened to you dude! Those guys are assholes, especially Miles. Him and his twink brother Eric can go fuck themselves," Vance chuckled.

"Isn't he friends with Theo? That kid that used to go to their school?" Lucas raised his brows and nodded. "Yeah, and he's also Blake's target for his plan. Cody's after Eric." Right, he's my target. Eric wasn't easy, but I liked to mess around with him. "I already got Theo to be my boyfriend," Blake said, "Cody's having a hard time getting Eric cause he's a stubborn shit." My other teammate laughed. "Nothing Cody can't handle." I was about to talk about how I disappointed Eric, until the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." As I walked towards the door I shook my head. "They're so fucking stupid for thinking we love them." I smirked while opening the door and my expression faded when I was face to face with Theo. My heart dropped; he didn't hear me, did he? "Huh?" His hand pulled out an AirPod from his ear, "Hear what?" I sighed in relief and watched as he let himself in. Shutting the door, I desperately hoped the guys weren't talking about him. Not while he was there at least.

They were all loudly laughing and slapping their knees in the living room. Theo cleared his throat and Blake whipped his back around, his smile only dropping a little when he noticed his boyfriend was there. He looked around at the others and pulled himself up. "Hey! What're you doing here..?" He asked with a nervous tone in his voice. He flashed his eyes at me for help. What was I supposed to do?

Theo had a confused look and glanced down at his phone. "You told me to come to your house at 7. It's 6:59." Blake's eyes widened as he nodded slowly. "Shit, did I say that?" His boyfriend noticed that the entire football team and a huge mess was sitting in his house and turned back to Blake. "Yeah.. But if now isn't a good time I can leave." I saw my best friend hesitate before chuckling and throwing his arm around Theo. "No, of course it's a good time! Come sit next to me."

I could tell some of the guys were holding in their laughs and gave each other knowing looks. "We can sit right here!" Blake shoved Vance off the couch and he landed with a yelp. I winched for him, that's gotta hurt.. If you haven't been shoved by Blake before you aren't his friend, but I have and he's not gentle with it. Theo watched in concern as Vance rubbed his shoulder that he landed on and Lucas bent down to ask if he was okay. Did he have to show up right now? I bet you can imagine how awkward it is to have a twink in the middle of a bunch of muscular jocks. Is this the start of a weird, gay porno or something? Forget I said that.

An uncomfortable silence filled the room and everyone just stared at each other. The awkward shuffling and coughs made everything ten times worse. My teeth were clenched as the silence grew louder until Blake broke it. "Soo.." he said, "What do you wanna do?" Theo uncomfortably moved in his seat and fixed his eyes on his boyfriend.

"Did you miss me all day?" The whole team turned to him, including me. Theo fixed his glasses and I could see his cheeks become red. "Y-yeah.." Blake leaned back on the couch and slithered his arm around his boyfriend to pull him closer. "Yeah? How was school for you?" Theo's wandering eyes quickly glanced around the room before he spoke. Not gonna lie, this was pretty entertaining.

"Tiring." Theo leaned his head back, "Just like every school day." The jock smiled and squeezed his shoulder comfortingly. "You don't have to be so tired anymore. Welcome to the party." Our teammates nodded at him. I could tell they still didn't like him, but it was all for Blake's plan. "You seen Eric today?" Fuck, am I supposed to ask that? Eric and Theo are best friends so he probably told him what happened at the gas station. I bit my lip, hoping he wasn't mad at me too and hoped I didn't look too desperate.

"Not yet. I didn't get the chance to call him yet either." He didn't sound mad. I guess he didn't know about what happened. "Are you guys here to watch the game?" Theo asked. "Yeah, but we're also here to pregame for our own game against Harbor. Those guys lost to us every time in the past three years, I don't know what makes them think they're gonna win now." Blake laughed and took a sip of beer. Theo didn't say anything, but I don't blame the kid. His best friend's brother is on one team and his boyfriend is on the other. I didn't expect him to choose between them.

"Are you into football?" Vance looked him up and down as Theo shrugged. "Not really.. I just like to be at games to be there for Blake." Vance hummed in reply. "You don't seem the football type anyway." No shit. I'd be surprised if a bookworm-looking nerd was into any sports. No offense to Theo.

"Even though you don't like football, you still know that we're gonna win, right?" Blake nudged Theo lightly. "Yes.." he responded quietly. "We're going to win. How else are we gonna get back at Harbor for messing with Cody?" If Theo didn't know about it before, he definitely does now.

Theo's brows furrowed and turned to Blake. "What'd they do to him?" Blake didn't hesitate to tell him. "Miles and his team tried to pick a fight with him. At a gas station." He scoffed and shook his head. "He was just mad that he knew our team was gonna win again."

"For the record, they started it. Not me. I was just trying to buy some beer." Theo nodded understandingly and stared at the floor. "Was Eric there?" I squeezed my beer can before searching for a reply. "He was.." I muttered. I couldn't look Theo in the eyes because he'd soon find out that I disappointed his best friend. 

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