Chapter Ten: Fueling Tensions

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Cody's Perspective

My hand gripped tightly on the steering wheel, my other hand clutching a plastic I.D. A little pre-gaming before a game won't hurt, right? Plus, it's not like the game's in the morning anyway, I'll have plenty of time to get rid of my hangover. Fuck, those little shits have been drivin' me wild. I fucking hate everyone at that goddamn high school. Miles, Declan, Max, shit, and especially that little brat Eric.

The more I thought about it, the more the veins in my hand became evident. I clutched onto the wheel even harder, thoughts running rampant in my mind. The fuck was going on with me? I've always been excited at the thought of a game. The Friday night lights, the girls cheering for me in their short skirts, and the feeling of winning.

And fuck, Eric might be there too, watching me. His presence is gonna fuck me up, I know it. All I'm gonna think about on the field is his stupid face and whiny voice. Kinda' makes me wanna throw a punch at him– but god knows what the kid has up his sleeve. The little brat is making it so fuckin' hard for me sometimes. God, I wish he was as dumb as Theo. If he was, he'd be making my job here a lot easier.

It's kind of funny if you think 'bout it. I mean, Blake's plan is genius. Theo's family fucked with his, and now Theo's gonna suffer the consequences. Not only will Theo get his heart broken, but he's gonna get a new spot in a homeless shelter too after Blake's done exposing his family's secrets. If that's not hittin' two birds with one stone, I don't know what is.

Eric's just a pawn. I mean, I'm only really gettin' with him to make everything more believable. Not only that, but fuck, it's so fuckin' funny to mess with people. Especially disgusting homos like Eric. I've always sorta found it funny to mess with people, even girls. Especially the ones who are dumb enough to believe that I'd still be lying right next to them the morning after a hot night, with me telling 'em I'd never leave.

They'd always believe it too. I chuckled slightly, reminiscing on all the times I got called a douchebag by crying girls. Eric was no different from them. I'll have him at my feet, worshiping me like they all do, and then I'll leave him just as soon as he starts getting attached. Some people call it masochistic, sadistic – I call it harmless fun. I mean, I'm not even beatin' up a guy. Plus, a little emotional turmoil is good for growth, right?

Chuckling, I pulled my car into the gas station, parallel parking right next to a gas pump. I hastily lit a cigarette, and dangled it from my lips, the smell of it filling up my nose. Hastily, I got out of my car, and walked towards the gas station to pay for my gas. I glanced over to the cashier, before quickly shoving my fake I.D into the back pocket of my jeans. Gas wasn't the only thing here that I wanted to get.

To make it more believable, I strolled around in the aisles, looking for anything else that I might want to buy. While looking at all the snacks on the shelf, I thought about what kind of alcohol I felt like getting tonight. Maybe vodka? Or maybe just a case of beer? Whatever it was, I made a mental note to get extra for the rest of my teammates. Although, the cases of beer that lined the shelves looked really tempting.

Carelessly, I picked up the case of beer by its handle, and continued to browse the aisles. All of a sudden, the bell on top of the door began chiming, signaling that someone else had entered. I paid no attention to it, and continued to graze my fingers across all of the chip bags, humming to myself in thought. I could hear multiple people entering at once, their loud voices filling up the once silent gas station. "Shit, did you bring your I.D, Max?" A familiar voice called out, a voice that I've heard one too many times.

"Yo, check out who's here."

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, and I finally looked up at who it was that was speaking. "You need a little boost of confidence before we beat your ass tomorrow, Andrews?" Declan snickered, hinting at the case of beer that I was holding. "Boost of confidence my ass. You bitches sure are confident, especially for guys who haven't beaten Redsen in almost three years." I chuckled, not even bothering to look at them anymore.

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