Chapter Five: You Again

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I decided to let Blake take a nap and left to go bother Theo instead. I found him in his kitchen, going through his cabinets. "Need help?" I walked over to stand next to him and watched him pull out random containers. "Nope, I found it." He finally grabbed a red tin box with a white cross on it. I knew it was the med-kit he needed to help clean Blake's cuts.

 "Blake's fast asleep. I'm pretty sure you can tell cause I hear him snoring from down here." Theo nodded and picked up the kit by the handle. "I don't think he'll be sleeping anymore when he feels the alcohol wipe on his cuts." He said grimly. "He'll probably try swatting away my hand."

We went back upstairs and sure enough Blake insisted that he didn't need to clean his face and pushed away Theo's hand. "No really, I'm fine, the cuts and bruises make me look tough." Blake rolled over to face the wall instead of his boyfriend in an attempt to go back to sleep. Theo wasn't convinced and tried pressing the towel to his face again. 

"Your cuts are going to get infected and I can't have you walking around like this!" I let out a chuckle and Blake turned to me. "Honestly, Theo, I should be thanking Eric for giving me these cuts in the first place. Don't bother covering them up." I knew he was only trying to stop Theo from touching his face, not cause he was genuinely grateful that I gave him some future scars.

"C'mon Blake, there's no point in arguing with Theo, just get it over with so you can rest again." I said. "Thank you! Listen to him Blake." Theo patted my shoulder and hovered the towel over Blake's face again. Blake groaned and gave in. "Fine, whatever." Theo smeared off any trace of dirt from his boyfriend's forehead and cheeks. He continued to rip open a pack of alcohol wipes and dabbed at the open skin. Any injuries were sealed with bandaids and Theo made sure of it.

"Okay, I'm done. You can go back to sleep now!" Theo stood up from his knees and looked down at Blake. He was already snoring and was sprawled out on the bed. "He knocked out fast," I acknowledged surprisingly, "What should we do?" Theo hummed in thought as we walked to the kitchen. "Wanna make something to eat?" He slid his medkit back into its original spot and leaned against the counter. "Sure, I'm hungry anyways!"

Theo and I browsed online for some recipes and came across one for an omelette. It was a basic, western style omelette that was guaranteed to fill us up by the time we were done. "Can we make this?" I showed Theo the recipe and he nodded. I wasn't a great cook, but you can't mess up an omelette, right? Wrong.

We diced some bell peppers and sliced the ham into bite-sized pieces to fill our omelettes. Theo caramelized some onions to put on top and inside the blanket of egg we were frying on two pans. Everything seemed to be looking good! That is, until I over fried the egg...The egg had chocolate brown splotches scattered on it instead of a golden yellow color.

Theo's egg was perfect compared to mine and he questioned how I managed to burn the egg when we waited the same amount of time to check it. Well, turns out my smartass insisted that I didn't need help and turned up the fire too high. It was embarrassing to say the least, because I thought I knew what I was doing. Safe to say I won't repeat that mistake again.. Maybe..

Despite my mistake, the dinner we made ended up being delicious, if I ignored the burnt egg! Theo mentioned that it would've tasted better with sliced avocado on top, but he didn't have any more avocados and made a note to go buy some soon. After finishing his omelette, he made a plate for Blake to eat when he woke up and offered me some apple cider. "No thanks, I'll just get some water." I stood up and filled a glass from his fridge.

We talked about our upcoming exams before Theo changed the subject and asked if I've seen a movie that came out a few months ago. "I haven't. Come to think of it, I haven't watched a movie in a while." Theo lit up and smiled. "How about we watch one at my house? There's nothing else for us to do." I agreed, it didn't sound like a bad idea.

My best friend grinned and turned to his pantry. "A movie's not complete without some popcorn!" I stood beside him and saw his organized pantry filled with different snacks in every corner. He bent down and pulled out an empty box. "Why haven't you thrown that out yet? There's nothing inside." Theo sighed and picked up the container. "There's nothing inside because Chris probably took the last pack of popcorn and thought it'd be a good idea to leave the box for the rest of my family to find. Like he always does." Nothing a quick trip to the store won't fix. "Let's wake up Blake and have him drive us somewhere to pick up another box."

"I'll take you guys, but don't take a long ass time to get it." Blake lazily grabbed his keys and stretched to get himself awake. "Don't worry, we'll be out in no time!" I assured him and ran downstairs to slip on my shoes. The couple followed behind me and we were on our way to buy a box of popcorn.

"I'll take the cart and wait right here," Blake said, leaning against the first aisle of the store. "You're gonna fall asleep just standing around." Theo furrowed his brows. "Exactly," Blake yawned and leaned on the shopping cart for support. Theo rolled his eyes and decided to go with me to get popcorn.

"This six pack right here?" I asked, pointing at a red cardboard box above me. Theo nodded and I carried the popcorn off of the shelf. "I've never had this brand before. You think it's good?" I asked, when I obviously should've expected the answer to be yes. "It's my favorite. I always get this brand specifically when I buy popcorn, and Blake likes it too." I trusted his taste and began making our way back to Blake. We promised to get the item we were looking for and..


Blake, who acted so tired a few minutes ago, was now laughing and acting chipper all of a sudden. Why? He happened to run into none other than Cody fucking Andrews.

WHY is he here? Did anyone ask him to be here? I don't think so, and especially not me. What does someone like him need to be shopping for at Walmart? He has a Porsche! I really wish we weren't here at the same time because I was hanging out with Theo to get AWAY from him. Blake just happened to stop by. You know what? If Blake wasn't here with us I probably wouldn't be forced into being near Cody. It was even worse knowing that I had to go to them to put down the box I was holding.

"Oh, Cody's here." Theo said, pointing in their direction. I turned away from the two jocks and whispered to Theo to please do the same. "Do they see us?" I whispered so that only he could hear me. "Hey! Theo, Eric!" Blake called out to us and got people staring. That answered my question... Blake's yelling kinda embarrassed me, but I was more concerned about having to talk to Cody, or even having to stand near him! I pretended not to hear him at first and prayed in my head that Blake or Cody wouldn't try talking to us again.

We turned into an aisle as soon as we started hearing the sound of running feet and a creaky shopping cart somewhere behind us. "Guys!" Fuck! The voice talking was just a few feet away from me now. I turned around and saw Cody with a stupid smile on his face and Blake leaning on the cart next to him. "What is he doing here?!" I asked dismissively. I wasn't going to hide the feeling of annoyance I got when he was desperate to talk to me.

"Cody's here to pick up something. Don't get so mad Eric," Blake snickered. I crossed my arms and glared at him. "What the fuck is he doing here? I know you did this on purpose, didn't you?" I snapped. "It's funny how you're acting mad.." Blake mumbled. "I heard that, what's that supposed to mean?" Oh my god, if he's referring to our conversation earlier...

I felt a soft punch to my shoulder. "Yeah, lighten up cutie. It's just me," Cody smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Get away from me!" I was excited to be here at first, now Cody being here is killing the mood. He's just here to get up to his usual antics and pester me the way he always does. He had this obnoxious grin on his face, as if he won, and he kept it as he bantered with Blake.

I was so close to going home. The only thing keeping me here was Theo asking to watch a movie. Blake patted Cody's shoulder. "Hey man, you doing anything after this?" Cody shook his head. "We're planning on watching a movie at Theo's place, wanna join us?" Oh god no.

You've got to be fucking kidding me.

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