Chapter 1 :- Drop of life

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"Art is to console those who are broken by life."
~ Vincent van Gogh

Love story (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift & Cruel world by lana del rey.


Drop of life


"This isn't gonna end well, Coly!"

I accelerated. Pressing on the accelerator pedal made me realise how easily you could avoid breaks. It's either do or die. I watched chuck tightening his safety belt and grabbing the pillows on his head. The least I could do was to have a chuckle.

"I need nachos." His anxiety was kicking. I rotated my head a little upon him unless he'd say, "Eyes on the road, Coly!" He snapped.

"I'm on it, but please share it with me. You know I've specially bought those from Paperika's."

He didn't answer. Instead he blocked my mouth full of Nachos. "Keep the speed slow Now," He begged. "I shouldn't have given the steering wheel to you Man!"

"You'd be grateful we're reaching the concert on time."

"Oh, I love my life more than some FUCKING time!" His eyes were frowning. He once gave a quick shot on me. "You know how much I hate speeding?"

"Yes. And I also know that you love the Taylor Swift concert. Not to add her album-

"Fearless; but not today." He knew. Driving from Paris to London took just two hours but driving safely would last forever and I deeply knew how much he had loved those swiftie tours. After all he made me her fan though.

The night was young and so was we. I accidentally Inserted my head against the dark grey sky. "Rain's gonna trouble us."

"You think?"

"Stop the car; Now!" He rather in his angry voice and panicking rub on the quarter window was something that made me pull the brake pedal.

"What happened? We haven't reached half way." He opened the black clutch of the window and went outside. I sighed in disguise thinking of his unthinkable approach. "Hey! It's pouring; Get inside otherwise we'll gonna be late."

I waited almost for a minute before having my eyesight brushes wide watching him grab those drops of water in his open arms. "Dance with me," He said. "Just for two minutes until 'Just say yes'."

Love story; Of course it's his favourite song. I switched on my cell phone. Scrolling down on the music app and playing the song was the quickest thing I could possibly do. My boots got wet as I walked in the pebble of waters. He gave a condoured support to held me. Hearing him sing was definitely fun and dancing alongside the music was too. It was only two minutes until it stopped on the beat 'just say yes.'



"Shall we?"

We somehow managed to slide back in the car. I made sure to take the driving seat again this time by cheating in the runner race a little.

"Ugh, Not again," He adjusted his disappointed look. "But Hey, No more rush, Okay?"

I paused on the agreement. I turned the key on the right with a throttle engine, I amicably said, "Okay. No more fast driving." But the truth wasn't.

We passed upon the bridge. The rain was heavy.

"Coly, D'you know we can be anything we want in the world."

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