Chapter 4 :- 17th floor

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"Rigid, the skeleton of habit alone upholds the human frame."
~Virginia Woolf

No. 1 Party Anthem by Arctic Monkeys & Watch by Billie Eilish & One Night Only by Jennifer Hudson, Deena Jones, The dreams.


17th floor

The struck I had when I spent many hours in my bedroom not wanting to face Sebastian's face. I was rolling on the mattress of my bed with working onto the laptop. Those reports, files, meeting schedules and fixing multiple deals for weeks got me tired of checking. Until the morning turned into a dense evening.

The moment I started gazing over the black swan frame on the wall of mine; was the moment when Sebastian Dayholt knocked on the door.

"Your mother wants to have dinner with you at your penthouse." He approached by watching the scenario from the 17th floor. "Nice view!" He said firmly.

"What time?"

He looked at me with an unknown look as if he didn't know what I was asking for. "Sorry?"

I repelled on how he claims himself as my dear mother's bodyguard.

"Oh, 8 o'clock!"

"Thank you," I dropped the politeness. "Now if you could excuse me, I have to get ready!"

"So you're—

"NO," I snapped. "I'm not going." I told him. His pointed nose tilted carefully but he didn't even flinch. "We're going to a small restaurant near the leaf garden with my friends."

"But what about—

"The dinner? Forget about a crappy dinner with my mother talking only nonsense about a vulgar politician or as random as my security."

I seized a flared trouser to perfectly match with a black leather jacket hiding my being coloured crop top beneath. I was searching for my white panda sneakers as I sensed him moving.

"Oh, you can wear anything comfortable. It's a friendly dinner not any family function."

I would never have wanted him to clap his duty between my dinner as he was probably looking confused.

"Let me guess — Didn't pack any casual clothes?"


I knew the answer. I was already holding my car keys as he had been told to follow my instructions without any hesitation. The grand entrance of my home was opening like a butterfly from a caterpillar. It didn't take as long as I'd imagined to get touched down on the ground via a lift where none of us had to say anything.

"Get in." I told him before pulling the handle of my Benz. He rather not had any kind of energy to figure out what to stop me from driving.

"Where are we going?" He pinned his strong muscular arms on my window glass; which made me boil my blood.

"Do not touch the fucking glass, Seb." I needed to say. "Get in or I'll let you get out—

"Fine." He pelted his shoes hard letting his coat to raise in the air with a cruel anger.

A five minute ride from home to the mall didn't take long as we arrived.

"C'mon, Quick!" I tugged the seat belt back.

He came out of the car first and made sure to open a car door like a gentleman. I started walking and he was right beside me like was tripping over. Scanning the mall was very less of his things.

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