Chapter 6 :- Blunders of world

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"A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of."
~Jane Austen

Metaphor by The Crane Wives & I Knew You Were Trouble. by Taylor Swift.


Blunders of world


I won't even come here for my disgrace. These students of London Security services are a pain in the ass.

"I'll Send them in—

"I'm giving the instructions Mr. Lauren!"

"It's CRUZ Miss, Wilson." He corrected me for ducks sake Rody, I won't take damn advice from a MALE.

"Whatever you say Lauren!" I turned to four of the bodyguards, Their hands were folded back behind them. Class. "Okay, Listen up, I'll ask two questions and you'll have to give me your words that none of them will be revealed because that's what it is called; A mother's swear. Is that clear?"

"Yes Ma'am!" They said together.

"Oh and one more thing, Answer honestly. Got it?!" I spoke and they nodded. "Alrigh' then, Let's start with you Mr. Benedict."

Everyone in the room started going out one by one until it was me and him. I saw the team arranged a table and a chair. I made a move to sit. You cannot expect anyone to do an interview with standing crossed legs.

"So, Ben! What do you think about women being topped up from men?"

His expression didn't change but he would look pale, "I think it's fine. Priorities them first won't be a big deal."

"Good." I uttered thinking he said good. "And what is your opinion on mental health?"

"That will give you strength for the future?!" He sounds like asking rather than telling. Not to add looking slightly slower than the previous question.

"You can leave now and please send Miss Summer in!" I ordered as it has always been on my plate. I usually have no interest in doing all the stuff but since my mother's aware of me; This is all just a publicity stunt.

I saw agent summer entering with blinking eyes.

"Hello." Her voice rather let me heard cold.

"Well, Well, Well. Tell me summer, do you really enjoy your job as a security agent?"

"Y— yes. It excites me."

She was lying on my pretty face. "I hope I made myself clear on the Honesty point back then Miss Bentley!" I snapped and she looked scared. "You've been to a footballer's bodyguard don't you?"

She nodded in act of yes. Then she took a deep breath and continued, "The job, It is a side thing for me. No doubt I like being in this. Although I'm looking further for my position, but sometimes it's just hard to survive and that leads me to hate towards this job."

"Huh-huh. Interesting," I rubbed my index finger to my chin. "Now give me your bank account number."


I smirked. "I know your mother's ill and you need help probably not from me but Let me."

She looks shocked as if she has seen a ghost on a bright day. "I won't Miss Wilson, I will pay for—

"Whom do you wanna fuck Bentley?" I pelted those files on the table just to get under her skin.

"You're in no position to talk like that lady—

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